Last Saturday on Earth Day, Extinction Rebellion rallied near the State House and marched through downtown.
Protesters march near the State House. ZOE ZEKOS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERProtesters rally. ZOE ZEKOS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERProtesters lie down outside the State House in a “die-in.” AMANDA HESS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERProtesters perform a “die-in.” ZOE ZEKOS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERA protester draws in chalk near the rally. ZOE ZEKOS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERA protester holds a banner. AMANDA HESS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERProtesters dressed as ‘Red Rebels’ rally. ZOE ZEKOS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERProtesters march on the street. AMANDA HESS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHERProtesters march while holding a banner reading “stop the fossil fuel industry now!” ZOE ZEKOS/DFP PHOTOGRAPHER
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