Editorial, Opinion

EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton has right to play “woman card” as Donald Trump suggests

It’s the same old sexism from Trump again. Republican candidate Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of playing the “woman’s card” and said, “If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote,” in a Q&A session with reporters in New York on Tuesday, The New York Times reported. Trump went on, “If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5 percent of the vote. And the beautiful thing is, women don’t like her.”

Trump then backed up his initial claims by telling CNN on Wednesday.

“Hillary has a lot of flaws,” Trump said. “She’s got a lot of problems. A lot of women, as you know, don’t like Hillary, despite the card,” he said.

Trump on “Good Morning America” that if Clinton can emphasize her femininity during her campaign, then he has every right to attack her for it.

In a victory speech in Philadelphia later on Tuesday, Clinton responded, “The other day, Mr. Trump accused me, of playing the, quote, ‘woman card,'” Clinton said. “Well, if fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in.”

First of all, the “woman card” does not exist. Clinton is bringing up the fact that she’s a woman because it allows her to uniquely relate to voters, just as Trump relates to them by emphasizing his lack of political experience.

Trump also has every right to relate to Americans by playing up the fact that he’s a rich, white, straight man, but that would make him no different from most other presidents.

And the way in which Trump relates to voters shouldn’t even be looked at as a positive. Trump’s entire platform is based on him being a political outsider. That’s like saying an English major should be put in charge of performing a surgery.

Trump is not attacking Clinton’s policies, but her gender, something that’s a part of who she is. He is essentially defining Clinton by her gender. It’s these comments that show how Trump would treat more than half of the country’s population if he were president. Women aren’t anomalies — they’re everywhere.

Swapping the two candidates genders doesn’t clear things up, either. A male Hillary Clinton would in fact be quite similar to Barack Obama. Much of her platform involves building off of Obama’s legacy, after all. And it’s not even possible for Trump to be a woman. No respectable woman — or person, for that matter — could have Trump’s opinions on anything.

This debacle echoes people accusing President Barack Obama of playing the “race card” during his past two campaigns. This is just the opposition drawing attention to something unfamiliar in an effort to reject change. Hillary Clinton could not mention being a woman once her entire campaign, and people would still accuse her of playing the woman card.

This is a turning point for Trump. In the past, his comments were just restricted to just the Republican candidates, or were generally hateful statements. But now that both he and Clinton are showing to be the clear candidates for their respective parties, Trump is turning his venom to his expected rival.

In the midst of this storm of controversy, Trump released a foreign policy plan on Wednesday. First of all, bravo to Trump for having enough brain power to release a foreign policy plan. But it’s overshadowed by his own idiotic comments. If that isn’t the theme of his entire campaign, then there is none.

In theory, this shouldn’t be news, because it’s just part of what Trump has been saying during this entire election cycle. This comment is standard Trump drivel. And look — the media, including this little campus newspaper, is covering it. The media is the force that created Trump, and it’s the only force that can tear him down.

Looking at Trump’s primary results, he’s pretty popular. But hopefully all of America was rolling its eyes with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s wife when Donald Trump spoke. That’s all this country can do while Trump is still in the running.

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  1. Crooked Hillary only got to where she is because she is married to Bill Clinton, and got bought off by Wallstreet, and bullied many young women who accused Bill of sexually assaulting them….Regardless, the FREEP editors shouldn’t be calling any candidate sexist as it makes them bias…. and that most of the editorial board is international students who are democrats…..

    • This rag isn’t good enough to be toilet paper. But just picture their rage and tears come November. It’ll be worth every Agenda-laden Burstein article.

    • I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this is an Op-Ed–meaning that it is supposed to be biased. It is the opinion of the author, not of the paper. Furthermore, your comment only goes to further embody the sexism, racism, and xenophobia that is Donald Trump. Bravo–you’ve played the ignorant card.

    • I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this is an Op-Ed–meaning that it is supposed to be biased. It is the opinion of the author, not of the paper. Furthermore, your comment just goes to further embody the sexism, racism, and xenophobia that is Donald Trump. Bravo–you’ve played the ignorant card.

  2. There are two trigger words the Democrats love to use try and smear anyone in their way to victory. Racist and sexist. Then the media party repeats it over and over hoping to gin up the supporters outrage regardless of the outcome. I thought society was past caring about gender and race but obviously not politicians who don’t care about who they destroy or the divisiveness they create for the rest of society to deal with for their own personal benefit.