Besides the obvious, women use contraceptives for many reasons. Not just used for birth control, many women take medications, such as the Birth Control Pill, to aid in putting a stop to particular medical problems. Steps toward requiring private insurance companies to cover the cost of contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy are essential to a woman’s healthy future.
Several local organizations working for reproductive freedom gathered Tuesday to rally in support of passing the Contraceptive Coverage Bill. The determination shown by these groups is exactly what is needed to succeed in fair insurance coverage for everyone.
More than simply offering women a way to control their reproductive decisions, contraceptives can help control uterine or menstrual bleeding and may even reduce the risks of ovarian cancer. Many women take the Pill to cure these and other medical problems, hopefully making their lives more comfortable.
These medical reasons should not be dismissed. High prices make it difficult for some women to purchase contraceptives, despite their many benefits.
Some suspect a fear among lawmakers that by insuring the use of contraceptives, they will be promoting promiscuity among young female users. This matter is up to debate. However, lawmakers must look beyond their moral concerns and see the benefits contraceptives offer women and the need to help women obtain them.
As the protesters argued, it is unfair that medicines like Viagra are covered by health insurance when contraceptives are not. Both medications have the ability to improve the quality of life experienced by men and women. By requiring contraceptives to be covered by insurance companies, the state can give women the freedom to improve the quality of their life.
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