
Facts Needed in the GSA debate

As the parent of a BU graduate, I have been reading the DFP for several years. I am a bit disappointed at the sensationalism used to respond to Silber’s disbanding of the GSA and the lack of real investigation of the issue. The latest article infers that Silber’s action will lead to increases in suicides and hate crimes with no proof offered. The Senator quoted is apparently related to Chicken Little.

The problem I see is that no one has investigated Silber’s clearly communicated explanation for why the action was taken – there is no need for the GSA at the BU academy. No letter to the editor has explored this issue, as it should be to determine if the stated reason was indeed correct. While the law students signed a petition, we have only heard from one student at the Academy, and that student SUPPORTED Silber’s contention. Why no petition drive at the Academy? Why no dissenting letters from students at the Academy? Why no real journalistic investigation by the DFP staff? Plenty of opinions are given and drastic actions are suggested, but no real effort to get to the root of the issue. With only one letter from a BU Academy student in evidence, it appears that the students at the academy are dealing with gay/straight issues better than the adults who are doing the complaining and mud slinging.

The issue has been politicized and expanded to cover a broad swath of America and problems that gays face across the country. The real issue is what is going on at the Academy. What are the suicide statistics for the BUA? What are the statistics on conflicts, fights, hate acts, etc. at the Academy? Without this information, those who feel the disbanding of the GSA is wrong cannot prove their point that the GSA is necessary. You can pontificate all you want, but at a university that is alleged to be one of the better in the country, I see little in the way of intellectual reflection and fact-based discussion. Silber has no authority and took no action anywhere other than at BU. He has not suggested similar action at other universities or secondary schools. He has not suggested disbanding groups at the University level. He clearly stated that the GSA was not necessary at the BU Academy. No one has proved him wrong on this point. Until they do, there is no proof that he has done something to harm the students at the academy.

The reaction and vileness of the attacks on Silber are causing me (a fence sitter on gay issues) to reconsider. What I am reading is not what I would expect from individuals truly thinking only of what is best for the students at the academy. This causes concern over the true motive behind the reactions and public outcry. It could easily be construed as concern over losing access to influence young minds. If true, the credibility of groups trying to mainstream homosexual activities is severely damaged.

Doug Parish Lima, Ohio

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