
New York? Give me a break

I must admit it, even though it goes against every fiber of my being: New York City is a far more exciting city than Boston. It’s the truth and I’m much better for realizing it now while I’m still young. Elliot Levy is absolutely right (‘With Boston’s cold winter weather, New York is a welcome excursion,’ Nov. 12, pg. 7).

NYC is exciting! You might run into the likes of such big name stars as, get this, a certain Al Franken. Star watching isn’t your game? How about walking down the street and being harassed by drug dealers? I know when I’m feeling the ‘winter blues’ I love to know that somewhere out in my grand city there is someone willing to partake in illegal activities with me. You know what else NYC has? Bootleg videos! Does anything say a Saturday night more than a bootleg copy of Eminem’s new cinematic masterpiece? What’s that you say? I could simply download the movie? Well, in New York we pay for our low quality rip-offs of low quality films. It’s just more exciting that way.

And don’t forget that in New York City, bars are open later than two! How great is that? With the extra time, you can go from merely a little drunk to I-just-slept-with-someone-and-I’m-not-sure-of-their-gender-drunk. Still not convinced? Well, try this on. Bagels! You’ve never had a good Saturday night until you’ve enjoyed a genuine New York City bagel. I mean when I judge the entertainment value of a city, the first criterion I inspect is the bagel standard in said city. The next criterion you ask? The amount of Al Franken sightings per week. Oh and I almost forgot, an extra 15 minutes of sunlight. Case closed!

All sarcasm aside, let us be frank. New Yorkers are by far the most arrogant people that I’ve ever met. Anyone who has met a New Yorker can tell you that they are extremely narrow-minded. It is as if the rest of the world does not even exist. Show me a New Yorker who has a concept of where Wyoming is in relation to Missouri, aside from ‘they’re both in the middle,’ and I’ll shoot into cardiac arrest. Every time you talk to one of them, you have to be made well aware that their city is the center of the universe. If you love where you are from, great so do I. But that doesn’t give me license to shoot my mouth off at every opportunity.

I love Providence, of which I am a proud resident, and I love Boston, and I’ll take either one of them over crime-ridden, drug-infested New York City. And to all those New Yorkers who are homesick this winter, I have one piece of advice for you go home. No one wants your loud mouth here anyway.

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