
Just a question for a paper…please read and reply asap

Hello,I am actually writing an essay about peoples ideas on the American dream and societies impact on it. In order to write the essay I have to interview 3 people. Considering I live in Oregon and am only getting a west coast perspective I was wondering if you would be able to respond to these questions. If you don’t have time that is perfectly alright. Also, if you feel any of the questions are too personal that is completely fine. It was just that I get a copy of The Daily Free Press everyday by e-mail, because I’m looking at BU as a future school, and I was hoping someone from there would be able to give me a response for my paper. Thank you for your time. And I would like to add, your paper is awesome, and you have alot of good writers. -Emily Hemson- you can reply to- Interview- Name:



Basic American Dream Questions- 1. If you could pick three words to represent America what would they be? 2. Why? 3. How does society and American ideals decide what you print in your paper? 4. What do you believe is the American Dream? 5. How often does the American Dream impact The Daily Free Press, if at all? 6. What do you think it means to be an American? 7.What do you believe your duties are for being an American? 8. Do you think our society as a whole is very patriotic? 9. Please explain, why yes or no. 10. How often do you hear the “Star Spangled Banner”? 11. How ofter do you recite the “Pledge of Allegiance”?


12. Do you think the American Dream has influenced any ideas you made for your future? 13. If you could have any profession in the world what would be? 14. When you were ten years old what did you want to be when you grew up? 15. Have your ideas on your future changed as you have gotten older? 16. How has working on a newspaper changed your perspective on the American Dream? 17. Do you feel articles have to been more censored because of the American Dream and societies ideals? 18. Do you believe yourself to be patriotic? 19. If yes, how so? 20. If you could pick and motto or phrase to live by what would it be and why? 21. Do you think you “live in the moment”?

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read this, hopefully if you are filling this out you will be able to send it back by Monday( 11/25/02), but I understand if you can’t. Also if you do you feel comfortable answering certian questions that is fine as well. Thanks again, Emily- you can reply to

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