In a case that proves appearances can be crucial, Boston University is fronting $1.9 million to make the Hotel Commonwealth’s façade look less like a plastic Disneyland structure and more like a four-star hotel that will fit in with its Kenmore Square surroundings. Unfortunately, this problem was not prevented earlier, but BU is rightly ensuring a major element of the gateway to its campus will be attractive and bring in needed revenue.
Almost everyone involved with the project and most who have seen it has proclaimed it as somewhere between unbecoming and outright hideous. Going ahead with using the unattractive yellow fiberglass materials was a costly gamble, and unfortunately the odds won. Sadly, this poor decision clearly cannot be taken back, but the developers have wisely decided to overhaul the façade even though it will cost a significant sum of money.
Changing the façade is a smart move because the building is so prominent in a major square of Boston. Fortunately, it will not delay the opening of the hotel, and should help it succeed once the repairs are completed this summer. Responding to the widespread community objections is also important, especially considering the lack of consideration given to complaints about kicking out IHOP and other student haunts.
Although this comes at a difficult time for BU, with budget squeezes and other construction projects under way or in the works, the university should not have to worry much about getting its money back. Providing the $1.9 million ideally will prove to be a wise investment and not delay the other projects. BU also has justification for fronting the money because it is a minority partner in the project, owns the land and will reap side benefits from parents and other guests’ injecting money into the campus area.
Since the ugly façade was not prevented, remodeling it is the best solution available and BU has probably made a wise investment by providing the funding. Now, the developers and others in charge must ensure that replacing the exterior is done right and efficiently so that the hotel will succeed and aesthetically fit in with an attractive Kenmore Square.
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