
Clarias captivates audience at Harper’s Ferry

Clarias has won the title of “Boston’s Best Band” from Mix 98.5, opened for Bon Jovi and the quartet’s latest, Lines, is great from beginning to end. The band’s engaging sound lies somewhere between pop/rock and jam band.

Saturday night at Harper’s Ferry, Clarias opened a show for Virginia Coalition, earning well-deserved accolades with a solid set — they’re going places. Singer Mike Giordano proves a worthy frontman; his voice captivates and intrigues, giving his lyrics a passion many nationally known bands have yet to achieve.

The band — Giordano on acoustic guitar, bassist Damian Gates, guitarist Ben Andrews, and Steve Giles on keys — complemented each other well, and achieved an acoustic balance of percussion and bass on songs like “The Freedom” with its soaring guitar sound and the OAR-inspired “Heavyweights,” making for an enjoyable live act.

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