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College students have enough work to do on top of having to constantly check Facebook, their inboxes and news sites every couple of hours. Flock, ‘The Social Web Browser,’ is an emerging technology striving to solve this problem by unifying all of these platforms under one browser.
Flock delivers everything users want to one location on their desktop called ‘MyWorld.’ The browser automatically updates changes in status and content from the user’s favorite social networks, Yahoo!, Gmail, AOL mail, content sites such as YouTube and Flickr, and news feeds from sites like Eonline and CNN.
Dan Burkhart, vice president of marketing for Flock, said in an email that the design for Flock arose from the desire people have to receive up-to-the-minute information about topics they are interested in.
‘Flock drastically simplifies and enhances users’ ability to connect to the users and information they care about,’ he said.
Burkhart said Flock is especially useful to teenagers because they can see instant updates of their friends’ status on Facebook without having to be on the actual site. It is the first browser to automatically deliver image and video feeds to users that belong to the most popular social networks.
College of Communication sophomore Rachel Sprung said she prefers Flock over ChaCha and Twitter because the other two services are unnecessary.
‘I found Flock to be the most useful because it organizes your interests and helps you to multitask,’ Sprung said.
COM sophomore Ryan Dailey said she often has many Web pages open at once and can clearly see the advantages Flock has to offer.
‘What makes it stand out is that it’s really useful for people that usually keep six pages open at once,’ she said. ‘Due to this fact, I could see myself using the program to save myself from overloading Mozilla.’

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