Editorial, Opinion

STAFF EDIT: An absent Union

There has been no progress at the Student Union this semester, and a lack of attendance seems partly to blame. This is inexcusable. The Union is sending a shameful message to the Boston University administration that its students aren’t even interested enough to attend their own government’s meetings, and it needs to change.
The most embarrassing aspect of the current Union is that its leaders have failed to reach the low bar set by last year’s Union. The old Union may have spent its time treading water, but the new leadership has yet to even dip its feet in the pool. Whereas last year’s Union President Adil Yunis was plagued by too much discussion and too little follow-through, current President Matt Seidel has not even inspired enough participation to discuss the issues.
The Student Union is an important body intended to advocate for and represent the student body. In past years, the Union was responsible for the revised Guest Policy, bringing cable television to campus, and has always advocated for increased campus safety. The current Union has promised to pursue administrative transparency, a greener campus, and the formation of an amnesty policy.
By all accounts, the executive board is still pushing for its programs and initiatives, but a board without support will be powerless. If the voting members ‘-‘- students who volunteered and then had to be elected ‘-‘- are already flaking out of their meetings, there is no reason to even hold meetings in the first place.
The fall semester is already half over, but the Union still has an opportunity to effect change. Non-attendees should take their positions seriously. Even if they are members of a less-than-urgent committee, their very involvement sets an example for other students to follow.
More importantly, activity speaks volumes to BU administrators, who ultimately have the final say in anything the Union wants to propose. By failing to create even the most basic level interest in its members, the Union is sending a strong message that apathy is acceptable to both administration and students.
At a university that has been criticized for its students’ apathy in the recent past, student leaders have the responsibility of changing this reputation.

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  1. So not funny. No one will want to go to their meetings if they think Union isn’t doing anything! Which they are, btw. Change takes time. What about the bus schedules, screen saver ads, the revamped website, the tech committee’s ebook proposal and remote printing lesson, campus safety’s coordination with escort services to create a spreadsheet of BUS routes, medical amnesty proposal and petition (Dean Elmore, btw, has already changed his mind and is FOR the policy), Chalk About the Issues (thanks to the executive staff), and more ???<p/>Thanks for calling out the reporters, Bellicose. It’s true they have no sources because guess what? They sensationalized the whole thing from a two minute discussion just to remind people to attend their meetings. Not like “no one” is going to them!<p/>I have never even seen the union beat write *anything* down during a GA meeting.

  2. Bellicose Belletrism

    Sources? If you’re going to be critical, at least put your name on it. If anyone was interviewed for this article, I’d rather read a quote from them than try to sift through the obvious bias.

  3. If “the executive board is still pushing for its programs and initiatives,” as you say, then pick on the influx of self important freshmen who DON’T consider Union “a job.” Committee chairs are doing all they can to secure attendance and I won’t let resume padders impede our progress.<p/>If we can’t get more people, we can at least continue our work.<p/>Why not report on the issues?