City, News

City Council delves into national issues

Boston City Councilors said they need to remain involved in national issues to further the interests of Boston residents Wednesday at their weekly meeting.

City Council President Mike Ross (Back Bay, Fenway, Kenmore) proposed the creation of a Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight to his fellow councilors.’ The committee would research the best ways to spend federal money in Boston and track the progress of projects funded by the stimulus.

‘An estimated $125 million is coming into Boston over the next two years,’ Councilor-At-Large Stephen Murphy said. ‘It’s important to be aggressive and engaged in making sure the money coming in is going to be able to be used quickly.’

Councilor-At-Large Michael Flaherty said councilors need to be fully engaged in monitoring how funds are allocated.

‘We need to keep the council informed with respect to stimulus funds,’ Flaherty said. ‘We have a responsibility to answer the questions [citizens are] asking us.’

Ross successfully proposed that councilors adopt a resolution to urge President Barack Obama to create an advisory board for his newly created White House Office of Urban Affairs. The board would be made up of city representatives from around the country to aid the office in addressing the problems facing American cities.

‘Cities like Boston need the attention of the federal government,’ Ross said. ‘We need to have an advisory committee to help advise the office in the White House in regards to urban affairs so cities can sign onto the resolution.’

Ross said the creation of an advisory committee will mean that ‘cities across the country can have a voice in this office [of Urban Affairs].’

Seattle, Wash.’s City Council began the call for an advisory committee, Ross said.

Seattle City Councilor Nick Licata, who began the National League of Cities’ Large Cities Council in 2002, originated the proposal, according to a Feb. 19 press release.

Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Fort Lauderdale, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are among the cities that have already issued resolutions or proposals similar to Ross’s, according to the release.

Councilor Maureen Feeney (Dorchester) said she approved of Ross’s idea.

‘So much is going to be occurring as things unfold before us,’ Feeney said. ‘This is a tremendously brilliant idea, and I’m proud to stand in support of it.’

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