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Playboy comes for BC girls

All around Boston College are depictions of Christ bearing the cross. When Playboy came to town this week, though, the magazine was looking for co-eds willing to bear their breasts.

Photographer Cynthia Kaye set up shop in a suite at the Hotel Commonwealth to interview and shoot photos of prospective models for next October’s Girls of the Atlantic Coast Conference photo spread.

Kaye, who has modeled for the magazine, said the pictorial is an opportunity for women who may not have modeling experience to feel like ‘glamour girls for a day.’

Only about 10 Eagles turned out for an interview Monday. At least one model from each of the 12 schools in the ACC will appear in the college spread, Playboy spokeswoman Tina Manzo said. The college issue, in its 32nd year, is the magazine’s most popular.

As a Catholic university, BC has drawn attention in the past for its conservative approach to student life. Playboy does not advertise on campuses, but rather made stops at off-campus student hangouts to distribute flyers, Kaye said.

‘Nothing we do with [the college issues] has anything to do with the actual schools, nothing on campus,’ Manzo said.

Although Playboy is careful to follow trademark laws for any brand images that would appear in the photo spread, she said the magazine has heard ‘nothing so far’ by way of objection from BC.

Playboy told the college it ‘is looking to do a feature on ACC schools, of which BC is a part,’ BC spokesman Jack Dunn said.’

‘We expect students to use appropriate judgment,’ he said.

Some college models decide to use pseudonyms or ‘publish names,’ either for fun or to protect their privacy, Kaye said. Some models appear only partially nude or hidden behind strategically placed pennants and bikini bottoms in the college issue. Playboy also advises models, sho must be 18 or older, to inform their parents that they are posing in the magazine.

‘It’s very, very important because once we book them and go through the whole photo session, we don’t want them to call us a couple weeks later and say, ‘Oh my gosh, my mom’s going to kill me,’ or ‘My dad’s pulling the money out of school,” Kaye said.

Playboy’s presence in Chestnut Hill was so low-key BC junior Melissa McKeron said she had not heard about the casting call.

‘The Jesuits would freak out,’ if the magazine advertised heavily on campus, she said.

At BC, where McKeron said women are ‘very empowered,’ Playboy might not have the best luck finding models.

‘I think it’s embarrassing to women. It’s just about the physical and superficial,’ she said.

BC junior Laura Yount said Playboy is ‘nothing that really bothers me, as long as it’s not taken too seriously.’ She said she would not be surprised to find some of her peers eager to pose for Playboy.

‘I think BC students are incredibly conflicted,’ she said. ‘They generally come from a pretty religious background, but they’re often pretty privileged, and they want to have a really good time in college.

‘The same people you see going crazy on Saturday night are the same ones you see at Mass on Sunday morning.’

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