Arts & Entertainment, The Muse


If you’re interested in cheap, live music, wondering how to get into the ‘Allston Rock City’ scene, or maybe just looking for something to do next Wednesday night, The MUSE recommends checking out Great Scott.

Starting at 9 p.m., musicians from both Boston University and Northeastern put their Bean Pot-induced rivalry aside to showcase their talents in an event sponsored by BU’s student-run radio station, WTBU. The event, ‘New Boston Talent’ is $3 for students, $5 for non-students.

The idea came about when students working at WTBU and WRBB (Northeastern’s student-run radio station) brainstormed an event with a line-up of student bands from both universities, said WTBU Music Director Liz Pelly. ‘I was talking to one of my friends at WRBB about how it would be great to rent the place out,’ she said.

The venue is perfect for the show because ‘it showcases a lot of local bands as well as bigger touring acts,’ said Pelly.

Each artist or band has a 30-minute set. Acts include I Have a Tummy Ache, Camden and Front Page; and don’t miss folk singer, guitar player Vikesh Kapoor’s final performance of the semester before touring New York this summer. Kapoor is a graduate student’ at BU who performs both original material and songs by artists like Woody Guthrie.

To close out the night WTBU has booked buzz-worthy performer Rapper Steph to team up with The Throwbacks for a killer performance. Both artists usually perform separately, said Pelly, but are joining forces to rock the end of the show.

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