You know those days when all you want to do is sleep? You know, you wake up at 1:15 p.m., wonder what year it is, and when you swipe a tired hand over your face and realize you don’t have a beard, you figure you haven’t slept long enough and could afford a few more hours? Yep. That was this weekend for me. I woke up long enough to write this article, so you should feel special.
These days hit all of us, and when they do, it can be tough to shake the sleepiness. It’s like a blanket, a nice, soft blanket that wraps around you and zzzzzz . . . huh? What year is it? Oh, right. Sorry about that. Anyway, what I’m saying here is that it can be tough to push onward when you feel like Sleepy from “Snow White.” So, what’s a fine citizen like yourself to do when sleepiness strikes?
Energy drinks. I don’t personally partake in the phenomenon that is drinking enough of one of these “beverages” until your blood tastes like Monster Mixxd, but I have a friend who basically lives off the stuff and is still alive, so I feel safe in recommending it to you. Energy drinks give you that “get up and go” you need to do the bare minimum required to pass that class before you crash so hard it’s worthy of being featured in a Michael Bay movie.
To avoid, or maybe just stave off, this inevitable spiral back into the oblivion that is sleep, crank up what I like to call the “intense study music.” Once you get songs like “Ace of Spades” and “Feel Good Drag” going, you’ve got yourself a stay-awake guarantee. Just remember to keep the playlist running. Don’t want you falling asleep mid-essay now do we?
Another nice thing to do is block your Internet and throw (or gently place, your choice) your phone across the room. I know you’ve thought something like, “Yeah, I typed a paragraph, time for two hours of solid Internet browsing as my reward.” But wait! Now the Internet’s off. Back to that paper, young soldier. Or maybe you’re thinking, “Huh. I wonder if someone randomly texted me. Better check.” But no! Your phone is all the way on the other side of the room, and let’s face it: you’re too lazy to go get it. That’s a good thing. You can power on with no distractions.
And this brings me to my last piece of advice: stop reading this article. Right now. You’re just procrastinating. Grab that Red Bull, turn up the volume on that Judas Priest album, and close that e-mail! Now that you’ve got all that taken care of, it’s time to get down to business in the few hours of weekend you have left. I’m just going to start saying stuff that doesn’t make sense so that you’ll lose interest and stop reading. I can tell I’m distracting you. Watermelon watermelon. There. Good. You’re working again.
Liz Boccolini is a freshman in the College of Communication and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached
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