Film & TV, The Muse

The Return of the King: Viggo Mortensen comes to Coolidge Corner

Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema

Viggo Mortensen is best known as the face of Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He’s also starred in critically-acclaimed films A History of Violence, The Road, and Eastern Promises.

This year, the Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation, based in nearby Brookline, honors his work and will give him an award for outstanding achievement in filmmaking. Mortensen will be at Coolidge Corner March 5 to receive his award, followed by a screening of Eastern Promises and a subsequent Q&A and cocktail hour.

Mortensen’s acting career is varied and impressive. Well respected on the set of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Mortensen proved himself not only an adept actor, but an excellent swordsman willing to perform his own stunts. On the other end of the spectrum, but arguably just as difficult, Mortensen also performed a nude fight scene in Eastern Promises.

Much more than an actor, Mortensen is also a poet, musician, photographer, and painter, a man that truly lives and breathes art. His breadth of talent and experience will surely make for an enlightening experience when he visits Coolidge Corner.

In the week leading up to his arrival, Coolidge is screening a handful of Mortensen’s films, including:


  • A History of Violence, Feb. 28

  • A Walk on the Moon, Feb. 29

  •  The Road, March 1

– The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon, March 4






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One Comment

  1. Can the general pubic attend, and if so, how do we get tickets? Also is there a charge? If so, how much are they?