For one month I didn’t have a working cell phone. Today I finally got my phone back from being repaired. “But Maria, how can you go a whole month without a cell phone? Didn’t you die without being able to text people?” No, I have no problem with going without my cell phone for long amounts of time. Call me crazy (or Maria, whatever works), but I don’t see the need for us to be constantly attached to our mobile devices.
“But Maria, if I don’t respond to a text the second after I receive it the whole world will explode!” No, imaginary conversation partner, it will not. “Maria, you don’t understand, if I turn my phone off for a few minutes I may miss an important text or call! I can’t turn off my phone.” Once again, I assure that if you turn your phone off for a few minutes the world will still be fine.
It seems like many people around me are too attached to their cell phones. I wish people could not worry so much about who is contacting them every five seconds. The most annoying people I encounter during my everyday walk to my classes are the “text-walkers.” This may be horrible, but every time I see a person walking towards me while they are staring blindly at their phone I want to trip them. Let’s get real, BU – If I trip them they won’t even notice me because they will be so busy texting that they won’t see me coming. Now, I don’t know if I could ever actually trip them, but I have wanted to trip many people that have almost walked into me.
I hate that this society has created phone-obsessed zombies. Is it so hard for people to put their phones down for five minutes and just walk around like a normal person? How about if you have an urgent text message, you sit down on a bench and finish reading and writing it there, instead of almost running into me while you are staring at your iPhone! Oy vey!
People also seem to lack manners these days when they are using their cell phones. I absolutely hate it when I’m eating with a friend and while we are conversing they are texting on their phone. Those friends of mine need to learn table manners ASAP. If you are eating with me you need to eat with me and not with your texting buddy.
We survived many years without cell phones so there’s no reason why we need to be so attached to them now. I long for the days of yore when people weren’t so attached to their cell phones. So, readers, don’t worry about me not having a cell phone for a month. I was quite happy without it, and if I ever have to give up my phone again I know I will be fine. I can go one month without my phone; how long can you go without yours?
Maria Gellepes is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
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