Editorial, Opinion

A letter from the Online Editor

Let’s start with the introduction. My name is Lauren and I’m the Online Editor at The Daily Free Press. It’s cool if you’ve never heard of me before—the Online Editor position is brand new.

I’m essentially in charge of bridging the gap between our print and online content, and making things even better for you, the reader. The ways in which we interact with news is rapidly changing, and with it, there are even better ways for us, the news outlet, to deliver it to you.

This semester, things are going to look a little different. There will be more multimedia, online content and interactive features from all sections of the paper. Plus, we’ve re-branded the lifestyle blog, formerly the Daily Free Now, to Commonwealth Crossroads, edited by Frankie Barbato, and a totally energized social media perspective, led by Sofiya Mahdi. We’ve already got plans for Election Day in the works, along with tons of other cool features to only enhance your experience with the FreeP, in print and online.

Peace and blessings,
Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor

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This is an account occasionally used by the Daily Free Press editors to post archived posts from previous iterations of the site or otherwise for special circumstance publications. See authorship info on the byline at the top of the page.

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