The following reports were taken from the Boston University Police Department from Oct. 24 to Nov. 1.
Burglary in student room
A BU student reported a robbery at his room at 83 Bay State Road some time between Oct. 24 and Oct. 27. The robber may have accessed the student’s room from the fire escape stairwell.
Student iPad stolen
A female BU student reported that her iPad was stolen in a common area in the College of Communication on Oct. 27 at about 11 a.m. The device was valued at approximately $470.
Student threatens roommate
An 18-year-old male BU student reported that his roommate threatened him on Oct. 28 at about 11 p.m. The student reported that the two had been having problems and BUPD is investigating the situation.
Employee car window smashed
A BU employee reported that his car window had been smashed Oct. 29 at about 4:15 p.m. at 730 Commonwealth Ave.
Attempted burglary at Cummington Mall
An unknown person tried to open a mechanical room door in the upper penthouse mezzanine at 24 Cummington Mall on Oct. 30 at about 8:15 a.m. The door lock was damaged.
MacBook stolen
A BU student reported that his MacBook, valued at $1,600, was stolen on Friday at about 2 p.m. The MacBook was left unattended from about 10 a.m. to noon. No suspect was identified.
Student found in possession of marijuana
A 19-year-old BU student was found in the possession of marijuana in his room in Warren Towers, located at 700 Comm. Ave., on Friday at about 7 p.m. The student was citied for possession.
Captain Jack Sparrow knifes student
A student reported that in the early hours of Saturday morning a man dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow cut the palm of his hand with an unknown instrument. The following morning the student reported to the nearest hospital to check on the injury.
BU student arrested for intoxication
BUPD arrested a 20-year-old BU student in the lobby of Student Village II, located at 33 Harry Agganis Way, on Saturday at about 2 a.m. for intoxication, harassment, arrest and having a false identification card. He was placed in protected custody because he refused to leave the lobby.