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SG endorses paid tour guides, listens to campaigning slates

Student Government votes during a past meeting. PHOTO BY RACHEL SHARPLES/ DFP FILE PHOTO

Boston University Student Government senators heard from the two executive board slates campaigning for the upcoming election, as well as representatives for the Tour Guides of BU campaign at their meeting Monday night.

Kenneth Delatorre, the executive board presidential candidate for BUnited, and Simran Multani, the candidate for vice president of internal affairs, introduced themselves to the Senate. Delatorre outlined BUnited’s goals, which include improving transparency within SG, increasing resources for students and further promoting SG awareness on campus.

“Both of us are involved in the [Department of Academic Affairs], and we are putting together a professor [group],” Multani said. “That goes off what we were just talking about, trying to connect the student body with the administration as well as the faculty.”

Delatorre reiterated the slate’s commitment to increasing student engagement with SG, specifically by continuing the ongoing initiative of outreach to student organizations.

Hafzat Akanni, a candidate for vice president of internal affairs, was the only representative present from Build BU at the meeting.

Akanni outlined the slate’s three-pillar campaign, highlighting the platforms of classroom, culture and communication. Akanni said the campaign’s specific initiatives include a zero-cost textbook initiative, which looks to reduce the overall cost of attending BU.

Build BU’s culture plan includes an attempt to raise student engagement on campus, such as attendance at sports events. Representatives of Build BU said they have met with over 50 student groups in the last week.

Presidential candidate Devin Harvin arrived late to expand on the details of Build BU’s communication plan, which centers around their “A Seat at the Table” initiative.

We’re trying to build a community here,” Harvin said. “BU is a university of service … We’ve always dreamed about building community here, and we just want to do the work.”

Vice President of Finance Bernie Lai presented a budget update, reporting the remaining SG budget to be $21,257.41. Roughly $15,000 is in discussion to be reserved for board events.

Members of the BU Young Democratic Socialists of America presented the Tour Guides of BU campaign to ask for SG’s endorsement in petitioning for student tour guides to be paid. As it currently stands, tour guides operate on a volunteer basis.

Justin Messmer, a tour guide and member of BUYDSA, said the petition currently has over 500 signatures. The campaign demands for tour guides to receive a negotiable $15 minimum wage.

“We are looking for an official endorsement from Student Government here,” Messmer said. “[A] vote of endorsement for the student tour guide campaign would be a key voice in the community of student groups.”

In discussion, several senators argued that making tour guides a paid position would bring more socioeconomic diversity to the position.

SG ultimately voted to endorse the campaign, with 20 in favor, three opposed and nine abstaining.

Charles Emhardt, a freshman senator from the Questrom School of Business, said he voted against supporting the tour guides’ proposal because he felt it was not fully developed.

“Their rhetoric was something that I felt like wasn’t going to be effective,” Emhardt said. “I like the idea, I just don’t like how they’re accomplishing what they’re doing.”

Adrian Lee, a sophomore senator from the College of General Studies, said he thinks both slates have candidates that are experienced with the process of SG. However, he added that he is probably going to vote for Build BU in the election.

“I do appreciate Build BU’s structured and concise plan for the future,” Lee said. “They seem like they really are passionate about it, and they seem like they’ve spent a lot of time and a lot of effort not only building their campaign but making sure people are aware of it.”

Zhaozhan Yin, a freshman at-large senator, said he remains uncertain as to which slate he will vote for.

“I think they both did a very good job at presenting their ideas,” Yin said. “It seems to me they both have passion for what they’re doing.”

Yin said he felt the extensive debate over endorsing the movement to pay tour guides reflected well on SG.

“This is democracy,” Yin said. “This is what Student Government should look like. Everybody’s still showing enthusiasm, really for the students and the constituents they’re representing.”

Shaun Robinson contributed to the reporting for this article.

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