Columns, Opinion

Miss Leading: Modern-day Spice Girls!

You guys usually always hear me complaining about the lack of representation that I think there is in the media, but today’s a little different because there’s actually a really cool platform on YouTube for fashion (and popular culture lovers) called Kyra TV that has a few different shows just dedicated to exploring the diversity and creativity among the youth of the world.

Kyra TV is a “new-age TV channel for the digitally native youth,” according to the creators. I found it because of my own interest in streetwear, which is basically a style of fashion that incorporates the actual wearability of fashion, rather than just runway fashion. The show that first got me hooked on these creatives is called PAQ, a group of four guys who do challenges in weekly episodes that correspond with their own style.

However, today we’re here to talk about the launch of Kyra TV’s newest show launch, NAVYA. NAVYA caught my attention because the four of the girls who host the show are women of color from diverse backgrounds.

According to a Hunger TV article, the four girls (all in their late teens, by the way): Faith (17), Esme (17), Angel (19) and Jasmine (19) are an international group of girls who are influenced by various parts of popular culture to take over the fashion world.

The teaser trailer for NAVYA says, “This show’s about feeling confident in your own skin. People take fashion too seriously, but it’s all fun at the end of the day.”

Personally, as both a popular culture enthusiast and fashion lover, I was really excited to see a new channel, and series, featuring four women of color exploring streetwear in a new and fun way. I’m no model or professional in the fashion industry, but I will say the ability to express myself through the way I dress is one of the best ways for me to feel great about myself.

As a considerably creative person who is passionate about a lot of various compartments of popular culture, such as music, photography and fashion, I would say that having a show with four diverse women shows the world that on a platform such as YouTube, people with an interest in these pockets of culture can be part of an inclusive community.

I’m excited to see what else these creators bring to the table, and I’m also interested to enter the creative scene myself. I think the changes that are happening now are a great push forward in the representation of the popular media, and it’s really something that more people should be proud of. Moving forward, our society, while politically unrefreshing, is socially and culture aware, which makes us a catalyst for change. Social media has given us a platform so that we can have a voice and actually use it.

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