Corrections, Opinion

CORRECTION: BU should match club funding on Giving Day

On April 5, 2019, the editorial board of The Daily Free Press published an editorial titled, “BU should match club funding on Giving Day.” In the editorial, we argued that  the university should match donations to small student organizations because Giving Day rewards higher-profile organizations such as BU Varsity Athletics the most.   We stated that these bonus awards would be better allocated to lower-profile student groups, and that the university had missed an opportunity to support the student groups who would benefit more from its support and recognition.

However, this argument was based on   inaccurate reporting on the source of the bonus awards. In fact, the bonus money comes from private alumni donor support, not from the university itself, as we implied in our editorial.

The editorial has been taken down from our website because it was misleading  and did not adhere to our  standards for diligent and accurate reporting.  We apologize to our readers for providing inaccurate information.

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