Columns, Opinion

Varner: What to do with your new freedom in college

One of the most intimidating moments of my life was sitting in my dorm room right after my parents left, with a stranger (my roommate) across from me and the rest of my college career ahead. It was strange to know that I was the only one in charge of myself and every decision was up to me. This was the first time I had complete control and the freedom was overwhelming.

The moment you realize you are completely on your own for the first time can be scary, but it is also one of the most exciting. Everyone is nervous to start college and explore the independence, but do not let the fear consume you.

Once you are all moved in, what’s next? How do you transition into being an adult and managing all of the new freedoms and tasks you have to take on in college?

For one, time management will be key. In college, you have free time that you never had in high school because you are not sitting in a classroom for seven hours a day anymore. You must take advantage of this time in productive ways, whether it is studying, tidying up or seeing some friends.

You should work chores like grocery shopping, cleaning the dorm up or doing your laundry into your schedule every week or every other week. It is tempting to ignore these responsibilities and just hang out with your new friends, but your tiny dorm will quickly become a dump if you don’t keep up with some basic chores.

In college, you have the most freedom you have ever had. While going to parties or socializing is an important thing to make time for, do not let it consume your life. You still have classes and a GPA to maintain — not to mention your own peace of mind.

Making time for yourself is the most important things you should do in college. Life will get stressful and sometimes you need to take a mental health day or have a night in for yourself. Do not deprive yourself of these things just because you feel the need to be constantly on the go — productivity only comes if you take care of yourself first.

The next four years are a rollercoaster of ups and downs and it goes by incredibly fast. This is the start of a journey you will remember for the rest of your life and you should dive right into it.

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