Volunteers help New Hampshire voters register to vote at Green Street Community Center Feb. 11. SOPHIE PARK/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Voters from Concord, New Hampshire, filed into the Green Street Community Center Feb. 11. Most were greeted by Nick Wallner, a clerk at the Ward 5 polling center, who gave all of the voters a sticker as they exited the station. SOPHIE PARK/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
An attendee at Pete Buttigieg’s New Hampshire primary party wears pins with the candidate’s face and campaign slogans. SOFIA KOYAMA/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar addresses the crowd in Concord, New Hampshire, after her surprise third place finish in the primary, where she ended ahead of candidates Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden. SOPHIE PARK/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Valerie Owen Biden, sister of former Vice President and candidate Joe Biden, expresses her continuous support for her brother’s campaign after he abruptly departed New Hampshire for South Carolina the morning of Feb. 11. ANGELA YANG/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Elizabeth Warren supporters talked with one another before the candidate took the stage at her post-primary party in Manchester, New Hampshire, Feb 11. VIGUNTHAAN THARMARAJAH/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaks to supporters at Nashua Community College after his second place finish in the 2020 New Hampshire primary. SOFIA KOYAMA/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
An attendee of Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s New Hampshire primary party in Concord wears pins expressing support of the candidate. SOPHIE PARK/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Michael Barbaro, host of the New York Times podcast “The Daily,” reports on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s primary party in Manchester, New Hampshire. GABRIELA HUTCHINGS/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren delivers her post-primary speech, where she emphasized Democratic Party unity, in Manchester, New Hampshire. VIGUNTHAAN THARMARAJAH/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Bernie Sanders supporters take a break at the senator’s primary party at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester. GABRIELA HUTCHINGS/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Attendees at Pete Buttigieg’s New Hampshire primary night party at Nashua Community College show their support for the candidate. SOFIA KOYAMA/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders celebrates his victory in the New Hampshire primary, where he won over a quarter of the vote, at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester. GABRIELA HUTCHINGS/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren poses for a selfie with a supporter at her primary party in Manchester, New Hampshire. VIGUNTHAAN THARMARAJAH/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
An attendee at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s New Hampshire primary party wears a baseball hat with a modified version of Donald Trump’s infamous “Make America Great Again” slogan. GABRIELA HUTCHINGS/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF