Sirad Zahra, an activist with Mass Peace Action Against Police Brutality, outlines the mission of the organization and explains the rules of the protest to demonstrators at Peters Park in the South End this Friday.Multiple demonstrators wear facial coverings with the words “I can’t breathe” written on them to protest the slaying of George Floyd this week in Minneapolis.Demonstrators take to their knees in solidarity with George Floyd and other Black individuals who have been killed by the police.Most demonstrators wear masks and try to distance themselves from each other.As more people funnel into the park, social distancing among the demonstrators grows difficult.Demonstrators carry signs with various slogans advocating for change.Demonstrators begin marching toward Nubian Square.Demonstrators sit atop their vehicles as others march past them.Demonstrators chant “No Justice, No Peace” as they march.Protesters proceed down Washington Street.Most protesters hold signs as they march.Several dozen protesters stop marching and gather around the Boston Police District 4 Station.One police officer grins, prompting protesters in front of him to start yelling.Protesters chant “I can’t breathe” and “Who do you protect?” in front of the police station.One demonstrator raises a “Black Lives Matter” sign over the crowd.Another demonstrator films the officers with his phone while asking them to look him in the eyes.Protesters run as police begin pepper-spraying the crowd.Children watch the protest from their apartment window.Protesters retrieve milk and a mixture of baking soda and water from a makeshift care site to pour on individuals who were pepper-sprayed by the police.A protester has milk and water poured over her face to soothe the burning.A woman and her son wait for the protest to die down so they can return to their home across from the station.A demonstrator pleads with Black cops outside the station to support the protest.As the protest carries on into the evening, police continue to stand in a row outside the station.Many officers stand with batons in hand until the protest fizzles out.
So, so sad! Great pictorial account of the events! Glad it ended peacefully! We need to stop seeing colors, we need to see we are all humans beings deserving of respect, love, protection and freedom from fear and inequality!
So, so sad! Great pictorial account of the events! Glad it ended peacefully! We need to stop seeing colors, we need to see we are all humans beings deserving of respect, love, protection and freedom from fear and inequality!
So proud of my niece Lauryn Allen. Great shots