A student-driven event, Bazaar, will be taking over Boston University’s Charles River Campus for one day next week with clothing and other designs on display for people to enjoy.

Bazaar will be held on Jan. 28 from noon to 5 p.m. across nine different locations on campus, with each location featuring student designs and pieces for purchase.
“The goal was to create something that celebrated student creativity and innovation and really helped to try to bring folks together and spend some time together after this deep two year malaise we’ve been in,” said Janos Stone, one of the event’s organizers and founder of the development consultancy organization, The Maker Space Program.
Stone said he was brought in by Innovate@BU to “design a large-scale event” to help promote the various innovation centers on campus.
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Over the past few weeks, students were encouraged to submit designs, projects and clothing donations prior to the event. Creative ideas included personal hobbies such as music and projects they’ve done in class.
“We’ve asked folks to submit these types of things because I found in doing these types of projects in the past, when you give people a platform to show what they’ve done out of just passion and just caring about something, the celebration that follows is one that is just deeper and richer,” Stone said.
Bazaar will also be giving away “curated pieces of clothing” and some of the creative projects will be up for sale.
To help organize the large-scale event, students from different colleges across BU were brought in. Maya Frazier, a sophomore in the College of Engineering, decided to take up the opportunity since this is her first year on campus after a year of remote learning.
“I was so excited because it hasn’t been the easiest to find communities and meet new people,” Frazier said. “Since I’m a second year but it’s my first year on campus, everyone knows each other.”
The process of putting Bazaar together included making flyers and curating social media posts to help promote the event, she said.
Bazaar has also been posting previews of plans of designs and clothing pieces on its Instagram page, @bu.bazaar, as it ramps up for its BU debut.
“There is going to be something for everyone,” Frazier said. “If you don’t want to buy anything, there will be a lot of people singing or playing instruments or just showing your talents or things that they made.”
Jack Giunta, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, is another student helping put together the event.
“To be able to show up and see all of these self expressions posted through our campus, I thought it was a really clever way to introduce BU and they needed a lot of help,” he said.
The kiosks for the event are currently being constructed around campus, Giunta added.
“[They] look really obscure, almost like bodega type things that will be very noticeable across campus. Very bright red,” Giunta said. “You’ll see at least one [kiosk] in one of the spots that you frequent on campus and each one will inherently be different, we have different stuff in each one.”
Stone said he would love for a diverse group of students from different backgrounds, majors and ages to come and enjoy Bazaar.
“That would be the greatest success we could have because it would create an opportunity for people to get to know folks they typically may not meet [and] establish new friendships,” Stone said. “I hope to see all the clothing going, I hope people take stuff and they use it and have a great time.”