
#GirlDads are the best dads…here’s why

From my experience, if you grew up with a #GirlDad, you were definitely one of the lucky ones.

Growing up with two sisters, my dad was a father to all three of us. Each two years apart, we got the experience of having the best dad to look up to, to discover the world and to love every moment of our childhoods.

For example, I played softball growing up, and my dad used to coach me for the recreation league. One year, our team made it to the championship. My dad embraced the fact that he was surrounded with all girls, and wore a bright green wig and neon green stripes under his eyes to inspire us to, “Go out there and just have fun,” as he always said.

Smaran Ramidi / DFP Staff

He stood at third base giving me a signal to step into the batter’s box. As I looked over at him, I let out a little chuckle. I remember saying to myself, “I have the best dad in the whole world.”

My dad is my hero, and I know other girls, who have a girl dad like me, can say the same. Here are a few reasons why #GirlDads are like no others.

They are our role models

#GirlDads just know how to adapt into an all-girls environment. The way these dads know how to love and support their daughters is what makes them amazing dads. They give us a sense of belonging and safety.

At least from experience, my dad has given my sisters and me fantastic life advice. He has taught me a plethora of skills that I know I can use in any situation — learning to be selfless, being respectful and having a great work ethic are just some of the lessons he taught me.

A dad is almost always the first man in a girl’s life they know, so being lucky enough to have a girl dad sets the bar for what a girl’s future boyfriend should aspire to be like. They are the best advisors and mentors throughout life.

They are our biggest supporters

#GirlDads — whether they are standing on the sidelines, playing tea cups, wearing wigs or coaching — are always there for us. They never fail to show their love for their daughters, and they manage to always have their backs, even in their lowest moments.

They empower us

#GirlDads are life’s best teachers. Teaching us how to ride a bike, be happy, achieve success in all environments and form great relationships are just a few things that girl dads inspire us to do when it comes to following their lead. These dads set great examples for everyone around them.

There are a million reasons why #GirlDads are the best dads, but to wrap it up, here is a quote from my dad that I think embodies him perfectly.

“The best part of being a girl dad is that you get to see the world in a completely different perspective. You realize, as a boy growing up, that we have no clue as to what makes women successful and you learn quite quickly that strong women dominate life because they work harder and listen better, and that’s awesome,” said Steve Tumbarello.

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