
Start your hot girl summer early: What to do this spring break

Come spring break, you are on the verge of burnout, stressed about exams and barely have time to think of yourself. 

We have all heard the stories about people on their wild spring break experiences. What we don’t hear is the stress before the vacation and the exhaustion after a break full of partying. Sometimes you need a vacation from your vacation. 

This spring break, let’s normalize doing nothing. 

For those of you who will experience the spring break we witnessed in movies — have fun, explore a new place and dance the night away. Give yourself a chance to rejuvenate before getting back to classes.

Mandile Mpofu | Graphic Artist

For those who choose to go home or not travel, here is what you can do during spring break to recharge.


This is your opportunity to relax without feeling guilty. During this time off, let go of all your responsibilities. Do not constrict yourself to a routine. If you are tired, sleep in. If you have energy, go out. Relaxing your body and brain will improve your physical and mental health. This is the time to recharge for the rest of the semester. 

Practice JOMO instead of FOMO

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a difficult emotional response, especially if all your friends are traveling. FOMO occupies your mind and wastes your energy. You can appreciate the present by practicing the joy of missing out (JOMO). Enjoy where you are in the moment, and never compare yourself — not being where a majority is means nothing. If you generally experience FOMO, this is your time to practice JOMO and leave room for your mind to be occupied with more important things. 

Read a book 

The book you bought during the summer and haven’t finished yet is calling your name. Dust it off and read what you’re interested in without a deadline. Read while you sit in bed or out in nature. It’s the perfect thing to do for yourself. You can learn something new while not overworking your brain. 

Do not have obligations

A laid-back vacation means going with the flow and not committing to plans. Give yourself the freedom and the space to do anything you want and listen to your body. If your body is dreading going out or you feel exhausted, prioritize yourself. It is a simple act of self-love, yet we forget the importance of choosing ourselves. 

Spring cleaning is a thing for a reason 

We all have that one chair where we throw all our clothes on. Take this time to declutter your closet, organize your room and give away all the clothes you don’t wear. Cleaning out your room or closet will create a space that is a more comfortable environment to be in. Your room’s state represents your mental state, and a tidy space can result in a calm and relaxed mindset. 


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