Advice, Lifestyle

Public speaking | Doctor’s Orders

Dear Doctors,

I have a big presentation in two weeks and I’m terrified of public speaking. What should I do?  




Dear Perplexed,

Public speaking is a skill that you get better at the more you practice. There are lots of helpful books and guides about building confidence. Even if you are scared, you’ll eventually learn how to keep it from showing. Practice makes perfect. 

Best Wishes,


Luc Ljoka | Senior Graphic Artist


Dear Perplexed,

Try an open mic night! What’s the worst that could happen?



Luc Ljoka | Senior Graphic Artist
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  1. I think practicing hel[ps alot….and preparation.

  2. Practice in front of a friend or two. It will get you used to looking at faces while you’re presenting, and they might have good feedback for you. Practice and speaking in groups often will definitely make you more comfortable.