Campus, News

Smoking manholes outside GSU caused by failed pipe, construction continues

A leak caused by an underground pipe failure is causing significant steam release through manholes outside of Boston University’s George Sherman Union.

A smoking manhole behind Marsh Chapel. An underground pipe leak is causing steam to release through manholes behind Marsh Chapel. LAUREN ALBANO/DFP PHOTOGRAPHER

BU Facilities is actively working to assess the extent of the issue and the “length of pipe to be replaced,” BU Spokesperson Colin Riley wrote in an email to The Daily Free Press.

“I hope they can get a hold of what’s going on with the steam system quickly because it could be uncomfortable, also unsafe,” said Kurt Roth, a senior fellow at the BU Institute for Global Sustainability.

The pipe is part of a larger system that provides steam to the central portion of BU’s campus and Warren Towers. 

“[The construction is] extremely noticeable,” said freshman Caterina Juvara. “I love the GSU, and it’s definitely in the way.” 

Apart from the visual and physical distraction, Juvara has “gone around [Marsh Chapel] just to avoid the smell.”

Radhika Bhagat, a master’s student, said the construction is noticeable, but it only affects her for a couple minutes when walking by.

According to Riley’s email, excavation and related work will continue throughout the week while BU Facilities uses a “backup steam boiler to serve the Dining Hall and provide hot water.” 

Junior Gabriel Melville said this instance reflects BU’s inconsistency with maintaining open communication concerning campus disruptions.

“I don’t know if this is something that they want to communicate about, but I feel like the students should know something about it.” Melville said.

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