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BU President Gilliam connects with students, alumni, government officials during DC trip

Boston University President Melissa Gilliam visited Washington, D.C. Feb. 26 and spoke to an audience of around 150 BU alumni, government workers and members of Congress about the importance of advancing scientific research. 

Boston University’s president Melissa L. Gilliam at her Inauguration. President Gilliam spoke to an audience of about 150 BU alumni, DC professionals, and Congress members during the BU in DC event, where she discussed the importance of advancing scientific research. KATE KOTLYAR/ DFP PHOTOGRAPHEal

Gilliam — an accredited interdisciplinary researcher in public health, medicine and the humanities — was inaugurated as BU’s 11th president Sept. 27. The “BU in D.C.” reception, organized by BU Federal Relations, discussed the historic importance of the partnership between the federal government and universities to conduct beneficial research, according to BU Today

“The University is going to put one step forward for their students and really start that conversation,” said Daniela Torres, a junior studying abroad with BU’s Washington, D.C program.

Gilliam’s speech comes in light of recent proposals by the Trump administration to reduce medical research funding at institutions, including universities. 

“President Gilliam regularly talks with policymakers to discuss pressing issues facing higher education, including how Boston University partners with the federal government to educate and support students and conduct critical research,” BU Director for Federal Relations Jessica Wong wrote in a statement to The Daily Free Press. 

Wong wrote the visit was important for Gilliam to raise awareness of the potential impacts of federal funding cuts to research at higher education institutions, as well as discuss her efforts to make BU more accessible to students. 

The reception was held in Capitol Hill, which provided an opportunity for BU students studying in Washington, D.C. this semester to meet Gilliam.

Junior Candace Guthrie introduced Gilliam at the event and said she took a lot away from Gilliam’s speech.

“It’s really cool to know that we’re a part of a school that’s doing such groundbreaking research,” Guthrie said.  “It illuminated all the possibilities that there are in what research can be and what we’re doing.”

During the discussion, Gilliam provided examples of BU’s contributions to life-changing research, such as the Framingham Heart Study, and the University’s Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center.

Freshman Lily Bolles said although she wasn’t given the opportunity to attend the discussion, she feels proud to know BU has made a statement supporting its history as a research institution. 

“Research is super important for furthering as a society, let alone as college students trying to make changes in the world,” Bolles said. “Relying on science and thorough research is more important now than ever with all the misinformation that is going around.”

Guthrie said students should take away two things from Gilliam’s speech.

“One, that BU is doing a lot of great things in the field of research,” Guthrie said. “Two, that our president is advocating for us.”

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