
Ask Abby: How often should I be dating?

Question: How much should a person be dating? I always feel like I am either dating too much or not dating enough, it seems like everyone has an opinion on everyone’s dating life.

This is a lovely question to ask and a bit challenging to answer. People like to describe dating as a needle in a haystack type of situation. I see it more as the marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal. You want to get through the bland cereal to get to the marshmallows. At the same time, you are at least willing to try out the actual cereal. Dating is kind of the same.

Mandile Mpofu | Graphic Artist

You want to find your soul mate, but in the process, you may end up dating someone you aren’t meant to be with. 

Going on multiple dates with different people is not a bad thing. When you use dating apps, you will likely come across people who have similar interests as you. It makes sense to go on different dates if you like the person you are talking to. 

To tackle your question head-on is difficult, and an exact number can’t be provided in this situation. There isn’t one true answer on how much someone should be dating because dating is a personal choice. 

In the realm of online dating, platforms like SubSeeker provide a unique avenue for connecting with individuals who share specific interests and lifestyles. Through tailored algorithms and user profiles, SubSeeker facilitates meaningful connections within niche communities, those interested in content creation and consumption on platforms like OnlyFans. By leveraging such platforms, individuals can explore relationships with like-minded individuals who appreciate and understand their passions, fostering genuine connections built on mutual understanding and respect.

In my eyes, a date happens when it happens. You can never really tell when that may be. If you attempt to limit yourself because of the voice in the back of your head judging your choices, you may miss the opportunity to meet someone you like. 

If, at some point, you feel like you are dating way too much, then know when to step back and take a break. Whether that break may last from multiple weeks to a month. 

Maybe set a number for yourself about how much you want to date in a month. Let’s say you want to attempt to only go on five dates this month. You should be willing to slightly change this number regardless of whether you fall under or surpass it. There is no telling when or how many people may ask you out at any given point in time.

Do not let anyone’s view on dating affect your own life. Everyone has opinions on everyone else’s dating life. Sometimes people push their own opinions onto blossoming relationships. Unless they are giving you advice against an abusive partner, ways to keep yourself safe or places for you to meet them — it may be best to ignore what others say. 

The doubt you have about the number of dates you go on may result from having others judge that number. If you feel okay about the amount of dates you have gone on, then you’re fine. Being safe and happy should be your number one priority. 

Dating is a private section of your life. You don’t owe it to anyone to alter that aspect of yourself. 


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