

On Monday, Boston University Students enjoyed the university’s first snow day in over four years (and no, that ‘half snow day’ on Valentine’s Day two years ago didn’t count, so please stop emailing us about it). We here at the ‘ol Free Press wanted to know how the subjects of our news stories made the most of their snow day.

The Guy Running Down Commonwealth Avenue was sweating icicles and still truckin’ along, slow and steady as ever.

Harvard University decided that the snow made conditions too treacherous to continue working on its science complex in Allston . . . for the next 50 years.

Homeless people made yellow snow.

CGS students ate the yellow snow.

John Holland ran around West Campus pretending to be a cheetah.

Engineering students still went to class, hoping for some extra credit.

Here at The Daily Free Press, we got the email about the snow day 10 minutes after the newspaper started printing, then watched 4,000 copies get dropped off to the empty university buildings. Eff our lives.

Hope your spring breaks are less depressing than ours are bound to be. See you in a week and a half!

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