
30 Rhett statues to hit BU

This Saturday, Rhett, Boston University’s Terrier mascot, will be invading the BU Bridge Parking Lot off Commonwealth Avenue and University Road as part of the Parents’ Weekend celebration.

More specifically, 30 different Rhett statues, sponsored by a host of different student groups around campus, will be decorated and put on display.

“Student groups were asked to decorate Rhett in a variety of different characters and ways,” said Colleen Quinn, Student Activities Office program coordinator. “We wanted them to be as original as they could be.”

The Rhett statutes are part of Terrier Fall Fair, which runs from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Students and parents are invited to take part in a judging of the statues, she said.

“Each person who attends the fair will be given four bones,” Quinn said. “Hanging on each Rhett statute will be a faux doggy bag and each bone represents a different category. The four categories are ‘Most Fitting for the Group,’ ‘Most School Spirit,’ ‘Most Original Decorations’ and ‘Best Overall Rhett.’ The bag with the most bones in it will win for that category.”

The winning student group for each category will be awarded a cash prize. The group who creates the “Best Overall” Rhett wins $500, while the group with the “Most School Spirit” Rhett will take home $200 and the other two categories will receive $100 each.

These 5-foot statues in the likeness of Rhett will be replacing a long-time tradition at BU – the float parade, which used to go down Commonwealth Avenue, Quinn said.

“As a whole, the entire group working with Homecoming and Parents’ Weekend decided to embark on a new tradition,” she said. “With Homecoming and Parents’ Weekend no longer taking place together, a new tradition seemed fitting.

“As far as we know, no other colleges have ever done something like this,” Quinn continued. “It’s kind of cool to be starting up something new like this and we hope it catches on for the future. The students seem to be behind it.”

Student Union President Jon Marker said the Union is decorating a statue, but left the planning and brainstorming to the General Assembly.

Marker, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, said the Rhetts are an interesting change to the traditional Parents’ Weekend schedule.

“The Rhett statues could be a great move if they are paired with another activity,” he said.

Thirty different student groups chose to participate in this year’s Terrier exhibit.

Elena Quattrone, the 575 Commonwealth Ave. Residence Hall Association vice president, said each residence hall has the opportunity to decorate a Rhett.

“I think it’s really cool and it’s going to be really funny,” the Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences sophomore said. “I heard some pretty funny ideas about what different people are doing.”

DFP Staff Writer Jean Bentley contributed to this report.

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