
BU student gets punchy with cabbie

The following reports were taken from the Allston-Brighton District D-14 and D-2 crime logs from Oct. 28-Nov. 4.

At around midnight Nov. 2, officers responded to a call from a cab driver on Calumet Street who said he picked up a Boston University student from North Station who directed him to drive him to the Charles River Campus before redirecting him.

The driver said when he arrived at the destination, the suspect had passed out in the backseat and the driver attempted to wake him up.

The suspect became violent when he woke up, and he kicked and punched the victim in the face. The suspect was arrested and charged with assault and battery as well as possession of marijuana when cops found it on him during the booking procedure.

Couldn’t find the toilet

Before noon Nov. 4, police received a report of a breaking and entering in process on Bellvista Road in Brighton. A woman said she had found a disoriented man sleeping on her living room floor and had pushed him out of her apartment. At the time of the report, the suspect was trying to get back inside.

By the time police arrived at the scene, the offender had fled the apartment. After searching the building, officers found the suspect in the laundry room where he had just defecated in a trash bin.

The offender was determined to be drunk and was transported to the police station for booking.

“Don’t tase me, bro”

Just after noon Oct. 31, police responded to a call for assistance from the Boston Fire Department at an elementary school in Allston.

When police arrived, the BFD and school administrators told them a student had set a fire in the cafeteria. The student told police he had been eating lunch with friends when a bottle of rubber cement caught fire at their table.

Upon investigation, police determined the student had been playing with an electroshock weapon and had ignited the rubber cement. The student claimed he did not have a taser.

Further questioning determined the student had stashed the taser in the men’s bathroom when the school was evacuated.

The school principal spoke with the parents of the students involved and will determine disciplinary measures.

Too Late for a Locksmith

Just before 10 p.m. Oct. 29, officers responded to a breaking and entering at an apartment on Strathmore Road in Brighton where three recent Syracuse University graduates live.

The three women said they noticed items missing that evening when they came back to the apartment after spending the night out. One victim said the door was easily opened due to prior damage done to the lock.

The victim said they were missing nearly $6,000 worth of jewelry, cash and a digital camera. Neighboring tenants were not available to provide information, and the victims said their landlord was the only other person with a key to their apartment.

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