
B’G to investigate Myles fuses

In response to Quinne Leyden’s column (“Buildings ‘ Grounds for Complaint” Feb. 26), I am investigating the course of action Buildings ‘ Grounds took in response to the electrical problems that she chronicled. I am especially concerned that anyone was given a box of fuses with instructions to replace as necessary. No student should be replacing fuses under any circumstances, as it can be extremely dangerous. Under no conditions should students attempt mechanical repairs of any sort.

As the electrical demands for students are ever increasing, we are taking steps to improve the campus’s electrical capacity. The Physical Plant Department is currently in the process of upgrading the infrastructure of Myles Standish Hall’s electrical system, including installation of circuit breaker panels and new switches and wires in the basement. The goal is to eliminate fuse panels in students’ rooms.

Students should not hesitate to contact a senior administrator of business affairs, including myself, if they encounter instances of poor service.

Peter Cusato Vice President for Business Affairs

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