
Cable TV not useful to BU students?

I was absolutely disgusted to read President Westling’s response to the Student Union’s proposal for enhanced TV at all of the dorms (“Westling dashes Union hopes for enhanced TV” March 13). After reading the article, I was amazed the Student Village ever managed the feat of getting enhanced TV. Westling apparently thinks that all students at this University should become monks and spend most of our hours in meditation, at least, those hours when we are not in class or working. Don’t forget about the poverty requirement, but Boston University handily takes care of that with our tuition.

Beyond the entertainment factor, Westling’s claim that broadcast television does not have quality reporting astounded me. Pray tell, what outlet does have quality reporting? I stupidly thought that CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC were the pinnacle of broadcast journalism.

Then I got to the part about the refusal to consider a BU television program, and I wanted to throw up. Don’t we have a communication school here at BU? We’d better have one, since I’m supposed to be in it. Doesn’t communication include TV? I hope so, since my major is broadcast journalism. Wouldn’t it be great to able to actually broadcast all the of things students in COM do? Apparently not, since we all know, thanks to BU, that television is worthless. Glad to know the University is so supportive of its students. I’ll keep in mind what we all know the school really cares about when they come calling for money after I graduate.

Phil Vogels

CAS and COM ’02

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