
Student Union Election

The Student Union elections were not merely “a sham” (as Jonah Goldberg points out on Monday April 26); they were in fact a gift. The main problem with this year’s election is the Daily Free Press’s choice to endorse a candidate. While it is common for newspapers to endorse candidates during election times, these endorsements typically go to candidates for public offices. The Student Union elections are not such. In the world outside of BU, when a newspaper endorses a candidate, there is another newspaper that can counter-endorse (or agree-but at least there is the possibility of competition). The Daily Free Press is the most widely read student run newspaper that addresses the Boston University community. As the only paper that covers these particular elections, the Daily Free Press has a duty to its readers to remain relatively neutral. Of course biases are apparent through coverage of other issues, but endorsement goes beyond relative neutrality. The Free Press endorsement of a candidate virtually guarantees that candidate’s election. After all of the Free Press’s criticism of past Union officials and activities, I suppose they felt it their duty to select the next e-board. If they Union bombs next year, at least we know where to place the blame.

By Rebecca Pitman, Vice President of 10 Buick Street RHA

CAS 05

Phone # 603-785-6512

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