Columns, Opinion

Wake Me Up Boston: The era of Spring

It’s safe to say this week has officially marked Boston’s introduction to warmer and happier days, especially if the beautiful marathon weekend was any indication. Upper 60’s and sunshine on a long weekend — what more could a stressed, vitamin D-deprived college student ask for?

Boston reawakens to its full glory in the springtime, with the cherry blossoms blooming and the luscious display of greenery revealing the city’s true colors. It’s almost as if the city assumes another identity over spring’s bleak and unfriendly counterpart, also known as winter.

This past weekend was a strong reminder of Boston’s incomparable community spirit, a spark that comes alive most prominently around the marathon and, of course, whenever the Red Sox or the Patriots take the stage.

Boston sure does love its sports. They are seemingly a central unifier across all seasons of the year.

Last week’s reopening of Fenway Park and the start of the baseball season served as an adrenaline-boosting primer for the marathon festivities to come. The Fenway-area nightlife scene was packed to the brim on a Tuesday night.

If it isn’t already obvious, I really love this time of year. Finally, the dark and dismal days are behind us, and a new cycle of growth and rejuvenation is ahead. The birds are delightfully chirping, and the classic Boston cityscape seems to glow with a golden sheen. A bad mood? Never heard of her.

The same people who normally pass by without so much as an upward turn of the mouth or acknowledgment your existence now cheerfully smile and wish you a good afternoon. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the supernatural effect that spring casts upon us.

Enjoy it while it lasts, because it’s fleeting and dependent on how generous Mother Nature feels with her warmth.

While many of us may have already experienced the Boston Common and the city’s diverse foliage in full bloom, there is something magical about walking through these places for the first time in months come mid-April. The seasonal transformation feels surreal, and the energy is palpable.

Strolling down Newbury Street, I realized I had almost forgotten how charming it is when the restaurants open their outdoor seating, providing the perfect spot for a sun-drenched midday meal in between some lighthearted shopping.

This past weekend was a particularly festive time with the entirety of Metro Boston gearing up for the longstanding tradition of the Boston Marathon, when remarkable athletes and heroes come together during the world’s oldest annual 26.2-mile race.

The city’s unwavering support and wholehearted dedication to its runners is a joy to witness. Anybody and everybody come to cheer on the runners regardless of personal connection.

And with the close of the marathon, we have the beginning of another form of celebration with the holidays of Passover and Easter, which overlap this coming weekend. For those who celebrate, the holidays are usually an additional reminder of the onset of spring, with the amenities of being surrounded by family and home-cooked food.

Happiness is in the air, and we’ve only just had a taste.

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