Campus, News

An update on Wednesday evening’s reported death at StuVi II

By Jennifer Small and Sangmin Song

The following article contains mention of suicide.

A man unaffiliated with Boston University died by suicide, jumping out of a window of the 26th floor of 33 Harry Agganis Way, a BU residence hall, on Wednesday evening, according to authorities.

The individual, a 33-year-old man from Cambridge, jumped out of a window in the study lounge on the top floor of StuVi II, according to a statement released by the University.

Stuvi II
Boston University’s Student Village II dormitory, 33 Harry Agganis Way. A 33-year-old man jumped from the 26th floor of StuVi II Wednesday night. HUI-EN LIN/DFP STAFF

BUPD responded to the scene at 11:20 p.m, according to BU’s statement.

A BU student living in StuVi II — who asked to remain anonymous — provided an eyewitness account of the incident, saying a man in a mustard-colored, blood-soaked shirt began “pacing” the 26th floor at approximately 11:30 p.m.

It still remains unclear when and how the man’s shirt became stained with blood and how he got into the building, despite the security station on the first floor.

A photo obtained by The Daily Free Press shows an open, unbroken awning window smeared with blood stains on the 26th floor. It’s unclear whether or not this was the window the man climbed out of.

“I was just so shocked,” the student said. “I was like ‘what’s going on right now, someone has blood on their shirt, and they’re just roaming around this floor.’”

The student said people on the 26th floor became increasingly concerned about the man’s presence, and one student in the study lounge called the BU Police Department to report the man. They added that others, including them, hid behind a wall after realizing the situation.

“At that point, we thought that maybe he needed medical assistance, but we also were scared of getting close to him in case he was dangerous and in case he had a weapon,” the anonymous student said. “So we just kind of hid, and then we were still in conversation with BUPD, we all wanted to leave terribly.”

The student said about 10 minutes later, they heard a group of people coming in from the elevators, yelling “Don’t do this,” and “Stop this right now.” They said the confrontation went on for a few minutes before “everything went silent.”

“At that point, everyone was very scared,” they said. “People were hugging each other [and] trying not to cry.”

The anonymous student said they were unsure if the people that confronted the man were members of BUPD, residential security assistants or another party, as they could not see around the corner from where they were hiding.

Isabella Balian, a sophomore in the College of Engineering said she was in StuVi II studying with a group when her friend heard a “thump.”

“We were all sitting on the first floor, and then we see all these cops parked outside … and then these cops start sprinting in the lobby,” she said. “Cops were running with flashlights, and they’re going [to the side] of StuVi II, looking for something.”

In response to the incident, BU Residence Life sent an email the following day of the incident to StuVi II residents including incident updates and resources. Representatives from Behavioral Medicine and Crisis Counseling and the University Chaplains Office were available for students in need to talk to at 7 p.m., the same day.

BU Spokesperson Colin Riley confirmed the man was not affiliated with BU and added there is currently no threat to the BU community.

“We’re very saddened by this. Counseling and support services are available to students at BU following the tragic death,” Riley said. “Members of the BU community in need of counseling should reach out to the University’s crisis response counselors at SARP [Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Center] to mental health counselors and resources at Behavioral Medicine.”

Updates will follow with more information as it becomes available.

If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You can find a list of additional resources at
Members of the BU community can also make an appointment with Student Health Services through Patient Connect, call their 24-hour line (617-353-3569) for mental health emergencies or get tips on addressing challenges at

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article featured the headline “Non-BU affiliated individual jumped from a window on the 26th floor study lounge at StuVi II,” this was changed to the current headline “An update on Wednesday evening’s reported death at StuVi II,” to address the situation in a more sensitive manner. 


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  1. BU community member

    BU Students: for 24/7 support, please call 617-353-7277 (SARP), to connect with a BU crisis counselor. (SARP provides crisis response for the BU community)

  2. Alessandra of BU Parents United

    First the new number for crisis line anytime anywhere is 3 digits just 988. You can talk to a licensed counselor anytime and call if worried about anyone.

    Second – how many incidents need to happen on campus before BU ends the stigma and invests in wellbeing and mental health of terriers ? Why are they no longer ACTIVE members of the JED foundation? Why was there a delay in notifying students and faculty of the suicide and offering resources? Why weren’t ALL terriers offered support and intervention after this happened ? Why weren’t mass texts transparent and consistent – and emails sent to every member of campus not just Stuvi reaidents when they finally attempted to offer support?
    One faculty member told us at BU Parents United on Facebook this is the first time they have EVER been told of a suicide on campus. Other students at Rich Hall saw the body fall and others are triggered and affected for a variety of reasons.
    Why isn’t BU proactive instead of reactive after countless emails and calls about lack of transparency and information? Who was this suicide victim? Why did he choose Stuvi? There has to be some connection or is it true as terriers have shared the at security was asleep? Why is Colin Riley – BU’s PR a staff member – more concerned about stating this person was “ not affiliated with BU “ ? Does that make the incident less traumatic? Terriers have been traumatized and have voiced to me that maybe that is the only reason BU decided to be transparent and share any info almost 16 hours later. Why is terrier wellbeing not a priority beyond saying and posting it is . After years of pleading for action, we are weary and we remember terriers lost like Georgia Dray – they are not and never will be just numbers.
    I have been offering crisis support and help to BU families and terriers since this incident began.
    We shared resource numbers immediately in our group BU Parents United on Facebook. We know BU can do better. Will this lack of change be your legacy, President Brown?

    BU needs to step it up YESTERDAY. They need to stop being embarrassed or ashamed about mental health issues and make the wellbeing of terriers their PRIORITY.

    988 is the main number to call for help anytime or if worries about anyone.

    BU has to be willing to invest in terrier support campus wide and below are ways to do this . They used to be ACTIVE with JED foundation but never did what was needed and now are no longer … why? JED has templates for everything. When we take care of our mental health we all win!! And if BU invested / they would shine and be the example for all other campuses !

    BU has NEVER been transparent or understood the need to communicate with support and comfort to ALL terriers about mental health – never understanding that talking about these issues and any traumatic incidents is not a NEGATIVE – it does not trigger MORE incidents – instead it helps reduce anxiety and fears and reminds us all that there is help out there and it takes courage to ask for help !

    988 is the number to call when there are not enough counselors or support on any campus esp BU . For years parents have advocated and pleaded with terriers to BU to do better in these ways :

    1. therapy dogs as other colleges have ..not just at BU Hillel which has tried hard but they cannot be responsible for serving all terriers – they do enough for morale all year long

    2. hire more counselors !!!

    3. Mental health and stress management workshops IN PERSON combined with speakers and concerts and comedy throughout the year to show terriers that mental health IS physical health

    4. Retrain RAs and give them more support in dealing with mental health crisis and supporting students in dorms throughout the year

    5. Campus wide campaign as they did for COVID precautions with signs and messages everywhere showing numbers to call in emergencies, when just stressed and always including that it’s OK NOT TO BE OKAY and sharing the main crisis line 988

    6. Retraining and offering support to professors and BU Police and all staff to successfully help and intervene with students struggling emotionally or after traumatic events

    7. Always implementing prevention and POSTVENTION when traumatic events occur to include system wide text messages and emails to all terriers and staff whenever needed in a TIMELY manner.

    8. Having an anonymous hotline to call if a terrier s concerned about another terriers and sharing ways to help them get help if terrier feels comfortable

    9. Offering wellness or mental health days to students more and the flexibility to have one chosen one per semester as needed.

    10. Campus wide anonymous mental health surveys that ask the tough but needed questions of terriers to measure mental health climate along with resources listed .

    As a therapist, alumnus and parent the time for excuses and delays are over. Too many students have lost their lives, felt BU did not care about them or their wellbeing except for the tuition check, and BU has spent too much time worrying about reputation and stigma themselves instead of helping implement necessary changes to reduce isolation, anxiety, suicide attempts and suicides.

    Every life matters. Every student matters. You are not numbers and if you are hurting, please call 988 anytime to talk to a licensed counselor. You can even call if worried about someone else.
    YOU Matter.

    When BU decides to finally focus on following guidance of experts and specialists nationwide at JED and NAMI and AFSP / and even their own talent through action and support for terriers – prioritizing the wellbeing of their students and faculty … they will shine worldwide and will not need to fight so hard for donations. We have a mental health crisis nationwide – our students are struggling to balance their mental, physical and academic success. They are resilient and are ro be commended for their ability to endure but we shouldn’t have to depend on BU Hillel, ot the Asian Undergraduate Students to bring in mental health supports – this is on you, BU. Invest in our terriers because they are not numbers and never will be .

    As Dr.King said so eloquently,
    “ The time is always right to do the right thing. “

    • Thank you, Ms. Kellerman. I entirely agree with your remarks. Student mental health should be a priority for all colleges and universities and from what I can tell BU is not doing enough. As to the incident on Wednesday, my terrier did not learn about it until late afternoon on Thursday, and that was via social media. The school has to acknowledge things that might impact student mental health and address them (in class, via email, etc) and remind students of resources they can turn to for help. Even a child knows that ignoring unpleasant things does not make them disappear.

  3. Caring Parents Who Care About Others

    First the new number for crisis line anytime anywhere is 3 digits just 988. Please read Allessandra’s comments below. As concerned parents, we want BU to change their mental health policies. We want to know our student, all students and staff are supported through this crisis. As a family affected by suicide, silence and/or obfuscation is not an acceptable immediate, short-term or long term solution. Being accessible and open to students and staff who need assistance will save lives. This was the case when a student in high school reached out to my son and his friend. He received the counseling he desperately needed and currently is in the right college. One chance was what this kind, intelligent young person was able to muster after suffering from bullies. Being close to Marjory Stoneman Douglass, the high school had talked about mental health and suicide. High school students can be taught and are receptive to this information. Definitely BU students are more than ready. From conversations the students are having amongst themselves and their parents, they are requesting and demanding BU implements effective and caring protocols. If you are someone who is reading this and you feel alone, depressed and/or suicidal please know we care and please call 988.

  4. Thank you for the update! Know that parents appreciate you and support the students! You are loved!!

  5. BU alumna and Current Parent

    Every article about this incident as the investigation has progressed has clearly stated that the person who jumped was a 33-year-old man from Cambridge, unaffiliated with the University. It is a tragedy, but Alessandra’s comments linking this incident to student suicides are misguided. Alessandra is no longer a parent of a student at BU and she attended a certification program at BU; she is not an alumna. Her group doesn’t represent anyone except her own interests in bashing BU, for reasons that are unclear.

    • I’m not sure why you feel the need to Bash another parent who is trying to do something for ALL the students and parents. BU Parents United is a supportive group for parents. Everything in the group is kept real, supportive and honest. I think you’re missing the point. There are suicides and suicide attempts at BU, and the university does nothing to deal with the root cause. Nor have they consistently, in the past, provided sufficient mental health services. Last year a student attempted suicide. There was no support given. The students living in that dorm were told to “find someone to stay with” after the dorm had to be evacuated. An appropriate course of action would have been to open a lecture hall and have staff on hand to speak to students instead of leaving them to fend for themselves. Another student sadly did take her own life. Once again, the school did nothing to help others deal with it. BU needs to own up to the fact that there is a mental health crisis in this country and BU is not insulated from this crisis just because they are BU.

    • BU Parent and Alumnus

      Alessandra Kellermann began the parent group years ago when the pandemic began and has been there for parents and families and to promote BU daily since. Perhaps you might refrain from slander and personal attacks and focus on the situation at hand. Or will it only matter if God forbid it affects your own beloved terrier?
      Alessandra has been sharing all the positives of BU proudly as her son just graduated with honors and while he was there . Yet as a counselor, she also recognized immediately the need for better mental health supports on campus and investment in terrier wellbeing.
      She has inspired many parents to come together with their terriers and help make mental health an easy phrase to share and asking for help a sign of courage.
      She has her main degree from University of Michigan and secondary from Boston University which she proudly received in the US Army in Europe. She was so impressed with their overseas programs that she encouraged her son to look into BU when applying to colleges explaining how proud she was to have attended their programs and graduated.

      There is nothing untoward or negative about her group which she constantly reminds everyone are the essence of diversity, kindness and inclusion with BU parents from all over the world. Terriers have come to her for free support when needed and parents have found her to be available at all times without fail to help them navigate BU with their terriers. This group is amazing and gives back so much to terriers in need and hurting or even to families who have lost their loved ones to suicide on campus like the Dray family .
      Your comments are the kind of puerile behavior that our terriers do not need from an alleged adult.
      We need to focus on helping BU become an example for other campuses in promoting positive mental health and making sure every terrier knows where to call for support.

      If any terrier is listening – you are not alone.
      It takes courage to reach out as Alessandra said but you can do it . The main number anywhere anytime is 988 and on campus 617-353-3569.
      Ignore the silly comments here because yes even adults need to grown up sometimes. We are all in this together.

      • She doesn’t have a degree from BU. She participated in a certificate program. Do a little research on her background (see the response from another parent) — it’s easy to find the truth about her with just a few clicks. I was curious about why she’s so invested in continuing to lead this FB group after her son’s graduation 2 years ago. Since she’s not a current parent, she no longer receives communications from the university. How would she even know what actions, policies or programs are in place for students?

      • “It takes courage to reach out as Alessandra said but you can do it” Then the comment proceeds to list out Alessandra’s educational and career background as well as disclose Alessandra’s personal thoughts and even conversations she had with her son saying, “She was so impressed with their overseas programs that she encouraged her son to look into BU when applying to colleges.” This is either Alessandra commenting on her own post under an anonymous name or this is her #1 fan… Either way, this comment seems a bit concerning.

        • Parent of a BU senior

          Ha! Good catch! Methinks she doth protest too much — what a giveaway that it’s her replying under an alias.

  6. Everyone is wondering what mistakes happened that led to him getting into the building in the first place.

  7. As parents of a BU student, we echo what Allessandra has written in the comments section. BU should strive to support the students and staff during a crisis and be proactive regarding mental health. Their current policies aren’t enough and the students are well aware of this shortcoming. Please reach out for help by calling 988.

  8. I have so many questions about how a bloody 33 year old “unaffiliated with BU” man was able to get past security and access the 26th floor study area of Stuvi II? What is BU doing about this breech in security? While this man wasn’t a BU student, his suicide was a traumatic event for some of the BU students and those students needs access and support from mental health services. In addition, mental health issues and student suicide are real concerns on all collage campuses these days. Ms. Kellerman is correct that BU could be doing so much more to support the mental health of their students. My son graduated last year and experienced the worst of the pandemic shutdown on campus while a student at BU. BU’s talking points are very performative. There’s very little support or follow through on campus when it comes to mental health issues.

  9. More can always be done to address mental health but perhaps some on this thread could use some help themselves. Conflating a suicide that happened to be on BU property with a larger problem in the BU community is a bit opportunistic IMHO. The real question here isn’t why BU did not share the news with more people more quickly (which could have had a very unsettling effect by amplifying the tragedy and possibly sacrificing accuracy for the speed some are calling for) but how the individual got in to the building in the first place. My Terrier lives in that building and that is of great personal concern to me. The rest of the sad tragedy is probably none of our business.

    • Yes, what happened was a tragedy. But so many lives were affected by what happened that it IS our business. There were students traumatized by what they saw that day. Students traumatized by what they heard, and so many need help that’s not being given. There is nothing opportunistic at all about parents that fight for ALL students and parents.

      • Beth, I appreciate what you mean to say but you are just wrong. Are you saying that if this was your loved one that you would be comfortable with everyone knowing his and perhaps your personal business? Are you saying that because it happened on a BU property that everyone is now entitled to know everything about this individual? That is what I am saying is none of our business. How this person got in to the building, that is definitely our business. Also, people are traumatized by any number of things on a daily basis. Students and staff of BU who are directly affected (saw it, heard it, live in the building) should be BU’s primary concern. Wasting resources to inform people who feel entitled to be personally advised of all the details in spite of their child not even being on campus or being no where near the sight of the tragedy is unreasonable and, frankly, egotistical. Let them focus on what is important, not in pleasing a few parents who have a sense of entitlement.

        • You appreciate what I “mean to say and i am wrong?” How do you know what i mean if you think i was wrong. Further, an opinion can not be “wrong.” At no time did I state anything about knowing every detail about the individual. I believe you, BU Dad are clearly twisting what I said. Other universities have unfortunately experienced tragedys like this. They take steps to keep people informed and updated. There are mass emails (which is far from a waste of resources and takes only a few minutes) sent to parents and students acknowledging what happened and reassuring people of the services available. In this instance an email to reassure parents/students that “the individual involved was not a university student, there is an investigation as to how he gained access to the building and we are reassuring you that all campus properties are closely monitored by security and all security personnel will be retrained to insure that” would have been appropriate and is exactly what has been done by other universities that have experienced a tragedy such as this.

    • It would be opportunistic if someone was profiting from these suicides which we hope you are not insinuating. As for the personal attacks on any comments – let’s focus on the problem. There is a mental health crisis in America especially with teens and college campuses including BU whether we want to look the other way or not. This incident triggered many students who voiced their frustrations and need for more support.

      • Check the Facebook group promoted above. They have done solicitations and actively promote their FB Group for any number of commercial ends so, yeah, I am saying that there may be a profit motive. As for focusing on the problem, I completely agree but the grandstanding and self-serving I read above is not focusing on the problem. It’s people making themselves feel important. The problem, as you stated, is that some kids are triggered by hearing about a suicide. It’s up to us to speak with them about how to handle these matters. I don’t expect anyone at BU to take that role.

        • BU Parent and Alumnus

          It’s clear you don’t have the courage to use your name but very aware of their work and nothing has been for any profit.
          In fact, everything they have done includes :
          -Helping two BU students with care packages and support as they fight cancer
          – raising funds for two amazing custodians memorial benches placed at BU Beach who worked at BU over 30 years cleaning up after our terriers and staff ( tragically using lives to COVID)
          – Funds were raised for their families as well and everything purchased for them and given to them posted including the engraved rocking chairs for the widows and annual family passes to the zoo for the families
          – care and comfort for the Dray family after they lost their daughter Georgia to suicide including a memorial garden
          – care and comfort for a BU Mom fighting cancer
          – care packages for a young freshman as her mother served our country overseas – care packages also sent to her mother
          – thanks and care packages and gift cards sent to BU Drs.Platt and Klapperich for their continued leadership and transparency during the height of COVID keeping our terriers safe

          That’s what you slander including probably because you clearly have some personal vendetta against the leader and were probably removed from the group.

          This group of parents is amazing and no one person accomplished the above / it was a group of parents who clearly wanted to help and make a difference while supporting their terriers.
          You seem intent to slander them and their leader and I am part of this group so I resent this.

          I suggest you focus on your own life and contributing to helping terriers receive adequate support for their mental health instead of this sad post that only reflects on you.

          I will add that there is so much more we do to support each other quietly, confidentially that you probably would be ashamed of your words if you knew.
          The leaders of BU Parents United also are always available at zero cost to help any terrier or BU family in crisis for years now.
          Truly you are misguided and we have bigger issues at hand.

          • Courage? LOL. OK “BU Parent and Alumnus”. You seem quite invested in “them” including acknowledging that they raise funds. I have never been part of that group but when speaking with real BU parents and staff I have met on campus, it seems that the University itself is not a fan. If you have altruistic intent, then I applaud you. If not, go find meaning somewhere else.

          • Wait, what? There’s a parent support group that kicks other parents out of it? What kind of “support” for all BU parents and students is that supposed to be? What’s the criteria to join the group, if it’s not open to all BU parents? Is this some sort of a cult? This person seems to be drinking the Kool-Aid, as he/she sure knows a lot of specific details about what the group has done. So weird…

        • Another BU Parent and alum

          I’m with you, BU Dad. While I recognize that the fundraising efforts that the BU Parents United FB group did are nice gestures, the group’s leader’s relentless bashing of the administration and SHS, particularly during their exemplary handling of the pandemic in the 2020-22 academic years, were unnecessary and had unrealistic expectations during an unprecedented time. Furthermore, demanding that Dr. Platt grant an exclusive audience to the group’s leader, when Platt had an overwhelming number of pressing issues to address, was simply attention-seeking and praise-seeking behavior. A little searching on this leader’s background revealed some troubling personal history and reviews by people she has “served” thru her not-for-profit organization. It’s easy to find online. Ask yourselves why she’s so invested in remaining the leader of this organization two years after her son graduated. She craves the adoration. She was going to pass the torch to another parent, then decided to stay on. People donated a lot of money, but who knows if it all went to the causes that she promoted? She, and only she, managed the finances. Her “outrage” at the fact that the deceased custodians weren’t mentioned at Commencement was inappropriate and completely misguided. Faculty and staff who have passed away for any reason during the year are memorialized in Bostonia magazine and in other publications, not at Commencement. She just wanted something to draw attention back to the donation of the benches and to her. That wasn’t in service to the students or the staff members who died. I didn’t see her raising money in memory of the French instructor who died in an elevator malfunction in her apartment building, or the professor who died in an MBTA staircase failure, both tragedies within the past couple of years. She’s a fraud. Do a little research on her.

  10. Disconcerted mami!

    I have found Alessandra to be a wealth of information and resources! Calling out BU for not supporting the mental health of our Terriers, is a sad TRUTH. My child, in Rich Hall saw a large object falling, soon after found out it was a person. While at first I thought they were handling it all well, I got a call at 1:30 am in CA, which means 4:30 am Boston time a few days ago. They couldn’t sleep and told me that sometimes they feel like they understand why someone would resort to that. As a parent this was terrifying to hear. I don’t have faith that they’ll get the support they need from BU so I guided them to use telehealth through our insurance. I know that they need the in person connection, but they simply aren’t getting it at BU.

    • So sorry to hear that you Terrier is having a hard time. As remote parents, we all feel a bit helpless and wish we could do more. Sometimes Facetiming is not enough but this is also part of going to a large school in a big city. My Terrier has faced challenges and did get the needed help from within BU so, personally, I find the support they provide more than adequate. You did the right thing, however, by referring him to Telehealth.

      Suicide is not an issue unique to BU. Any competitive university, especially one of this size, puts enormous pressure on their students but this is also what turns them in to adults capable of handling what life will invariably throw at them. The process is painful but I have been through it before. You have to have faith in your kid and be there for them. There is no substitute for active parenting. That part can’t be delegated.

  11. Courage? LOL. OK “BU Parent and Alumnus”. You seem quite invested in “them” including acknowledging that they raise funds. I have never been part of that group but when speaking with real BU parents and staff I have met on campus, it seems that the University itself is not a fan. If you have altruistic intent, then I applaud you. If not, go find meaning somewhere else.

    • BU Parent and Alumnus

      I asked after your comments for a list of what we have done as I have not been there as long and parents were more than happy to help . “ The university is not a fan “ – interesting that you speak for the entire university how little you know. No university likes to be challenged to do better year after year and yet plenty of staff and terriers and families love what BU Parents United stands for and the changes they keep striving for in mental health and well-being as a whole. Terriers deserve the support more than ever especially when paying nearly 85,000 a year to attend. BU admi should consider paying the leaders there for all they do to represent and applaud BU daily – and stop worrying and start making the necessary changes to improve campus life and wellbeing for all terriers. This vendetta you seem to have is wasted space and words. Focus on what matters and recognize the fact that this parent group and Alessandra truly cares about BU and most of all their terriers succeeding as a whole. This paranoia only distracts. Grow up. I for one appreciate their humanity and the feedback I have gotten from parents from as far as China and Pakistan. They treasure the support and love in this group and find it far more welcoming where they can speak their concerns without any retaliation or demeaning comments as in other groups. BU Parents United deserves applause and is not a threat to anyone except egos which need readjustment .
      Ask Georgia Dray’s mother what the support meant when she lost her daughter to suicide or the families of the 2 custodians who were all but forgotten until our group stepped up and united alumni, terriers and faculty to thank and remember their heroes – their loved ones after 30 years of service. That only makes BU look good too because everyone got credit. No egos.

      We have a national mental health crisis and BU a needs to hire counselors as Allessandra mentioned and not just use ones from the sexual assault program to cover. The new mental health director should have an unlimited budget when it comes to providing mental health supports all year round.

      Remember terriers you are not alone. Adults here are just trying to distract but we have your back at BU Parents United – you matter. Call 988 anytime and know you have lots of caring professors and staff at BU who want better supports for you too but are just worried about their jobs. Your well-being matters because it affects everything you do including your academics . Your feelings matter. You are not alone. Stay strong and know change is coming slowly but surely. We have faith BU will see the light.
      In the meantime – reach out to anyone you trust when hurting or call 988 or the crisis numbers at BU. Every year we place an ad in tthe student paper with those numbers and I am sure BU Parents United will do so again this year soon. Share them with friends. You’ve got this. It’s what I tell my terrier every day at BU. We all are human.

      • So it has gone from “them” to “we”…OK. So you defend the group because you are part of it. Thanks for that. I am not affiliated with BU and have no reason to defend them except that I dislike seeing chirpers malign and twist a University because they did not “do enough” . I also love how you seem obligated to share with us your BU bill. We know what it costs. We all pay the same bill. Do you think that saying it makes you more entitled to something aside from a top shelf education?

        In closing, and because I do have a life, I just want to bring this back to where it should be, about the suicide that occurred in a campus building. If you wish to educate yourself a bit more, you can go here:

        I am sure we will learn more as time goes on. If so inclined, follow up with that.

        Have a nice day!

    • A Proud Member of BU Parents United

      As you clearly state, you have “never been part of that group” so why do you think you are in a position to be judge and jury? The University is not a fan? I didn’t realize things that are non living (definition of a university: an institution of learning of the highest level, having a college of liberal arts and a program of graduate studies together with several professional schools, as of theology, law, medicine, and engineering, and authorized to confer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. In other words-not a living breathing thing) had the ability to like or dislike something. Naturally there will be PEOPLE at the university-administration members most likely-who like or dislike when parents/students try to advocate for change. Administrators (as a general category of employees) are only fond of their own changes that they want to make. They do not like being challenged. I’ve work with enough educational administrators in my career to know that factually, first hand. So, again, i ask, if you “have never been part of that group” what gives you the right to pass judgement on a group of a few thousand parents who believe in one common goal-support? Not every BU Parents group is as supportive. Some have BU staff/hand picked parent representatives on them to defend their every move/word and if it’s not all rosy red what someone states or questions, THOSE people are removed from the group for their “negativity.” BU Parents United keeps it real, keeps it supportive, and keeps helping those who need it in any way possible.

  12. I have to say it’s very interesting to see adults who already have children in college arguing back and forth about a parent group and its leader. I thought this kind of argument only happens in high schools.

    Do leave more comments though, I believe I am not the one who is interested to hear more from the parents.

  13. Crazy to see the overbearing helicopter parents on this article. I graduated from BU 10 years ago and am so thankful Facebook groups weren’t big enough at the time for my parents to join them and insert themselves into my university’s community like this. It’s embarrassing just reading this commentary.

    I lived in StuVi 2 for most of my college career and am devastated to hear about this incident. My thoughts go out to all students living in West Campus who had to witness this. I hope anyone struggling reaches out to 988 or support groups on campus.

    Big props to the Freep reporters behind this article. This is the most informative piece I’ve seen about this incident, and you’ve balanced the sensitive nature of the topic and the need to get information out perfectly. Well done.