Lifestyle, Music

Navigating different friendship dynamics through music | Liv Listens

When I was growing up, my parents would tell me that boyfriends would come and go, but friends would last forever. 

Now that I’m older, I don’t entirely agree with that statement. Maybe it’s the romantic in me, or maybe it’s because I’ve had my fair share of bad friends.

So, I’d modify their advice slightly: When you find the right people, true friendship can be the most incredible thing. 

Lila Baltaxe | Senior Graphic Artist

However, my parents might’ve had a point when it comes to music. As much as I adore love songs, there’s something timeless about the songs that celebrate friendship. 

It’s hard  when you’re thrown into so many different situations with friends in college, but there’s a silver lining: There are some great songs for balancing those different friendship dynamics. 

“BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish 

“BIRDS OF A FEATHER” is a newer song, but it already feels like a classic. Eilish’s songwriting in “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” captures the happiness that comes with an unwavering friendship.

I have quite a few friends whom that I would rather leave the Earth for than not have them in my life, so I know what Eilish means when she sings, “I want you to stay / ‘Til I’m in the grave / ‘Til I rot away, dead and buried / ‘Til I’m in the casket you carry / If you go, I’m goin’ too.”

Also, as someone who cries a lot when they’re happy, I find lyrics like, “And I don’t know what I’m cryin’ for / I don’t think I could love you more,” very relatable. 

“True Blue” by boygenius 

“True Blue” is about being such good friends with someone that you can be your genuine self. 

boygenius’ members, Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus, are very close friends, and bring a strong sense of authenticity to the song. They sing all together in the chorus, “And it feels good to be known so well / I can’t hide from you like I hide from myself.” 

That kind of friendship where you know you don’t have to change anything about yourself is so freeing. 

I love the lyrics in the bridge: “You’ve never done me wrong, except for that one time / That we don’t talk about / Because it doesn’t matter anymore / Who won the fight? I don’t know / We’re not keeping score.” 

If I could give my past self a piece of advice, I would tell her never to surround herself with people who “keep score.” I went to a very academically competitive high school, and that environment negatively impacted the social atmosphere, too. When I got to Boston University, I committed myself to not getting caught up in that way of thinking. 

It’s essential to find people who lift you up, not friends who constantly try to one-up you. Comparison truly is the thief of joy, and real friends will never belittle you. 

I was born on a hot summer day, so I feel extra connected to this song when they sing, “You were born in July ’95 / In a deadly heat / You say you’re a winter b*tch / But summer’s in your blood / You can’t help but become the sun.” Regardless, if you’re lucky enough, you know you’ve found one of those friends when they become your sun on your darkest day. 

If you’re unlucky, like me, that friend might not live in the same city as you. My best friend goes to New York University, which is decently close to Boston, but if I had it my way, we’d be next-door neighbors forever.

“Sweet Creature” by Harry Styles

“Sweet Creature” has lyrics that apply well to long-distance friendships. When he sings, “Wherever I go, you bring me home,” I can’t help but think of my best friend who I get to see when I’m back home.

This song can also apply to friends you might not be close to anymore because of distance. Styles sings, “But we’re still young / I always think about you and how we don’t speak enough.”

“ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?” by Tyler, the Creator

Growing apart from friends can be heart-wrenching. In my experience, it happens a lot in college when people embark on different journeys. “ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?” by Tyler, the Creator encapsulates that feeling as well. 

He sings, “Don’t get green skin (Green skin), keep contact (Keep contact) / Don’t say, ‘Goodbye, smell you later’ (Later) / Nah, I can’t / I don’t want to end this season on a bad episode,” conveying all the contrasting emotions that come with drifting away from a friend. 

I always want to keep in contact with people, but sometimes it gets too complicated. I have to remind myself that I’m not meant to be friends with some people for my entire life. 

There’s something that’s still beautiful about sharing specific periods of your life with certain people —  even if they aren’t there forever.

I’ll be back with more music next week. Until then, don’t forget, I’m always here to listen.

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