Campus, News

Fossil fuel divestment at Boston University: a timeline

As the Boston University Board of Trustees meets this week, members of Divest BU expect the university to make a decision on the long-debated issue of fossil fuel divestment on campus.

Divest BU, a coalition that pushes for divestment, organized a rally Wednesday afternoon to advocate for fossil fuel divestment.

Rachel Eckles, a student organizer at Divest BU, said they originally planned to host the rally on Friday because they were given wrong information about the Board of Trustee’s meeting.

Eckles, a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, said the organization later learned the Board of Trustees would start deliberations on divestment earlier this week. Divest BU moved the rally accordingly.

“This is a historical moment for our school,” Eckles said. “We, the Divest BU coalition comprised of students, faculty and alumni, believe the trustees need to address climate change differently than any other issue we have had to face before. The threats of climate change are imminent, directly affect our campus and are largely due to the actions of our American society.”

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245 BU faculty join students to call for university divestment from fossil fuels
Fossil fuel divestment advocates see results in ACSRI’s recommendation
Group advocates for fossil fuel divestment ahead of trustee decision


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