
GALLERY: BU decorates campus with health and safety reminders

The scoreboard in Nickerson Field alternates messages from Boston University’s Back2BU initiative, which encourages students to exercise caution around the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure their return to campus is as safe as possible. ROBERT BRANNING/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
The Boston University Greek rock, traditionally tagged by Greek life organizations during Greek Week, displays the logo of the student-led health campaign “F— it Won’t Cut It.” VIVIAN MYRON/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Two students wearing masks socialize on the BU Beach. VIVIAN MYRON/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
A sign on the College of Communication lawn encourages students to physically distance. LAURYN ALLEN/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Some of Back2BU’s COVID-19 signs take to the ground to remind students to navigate the pandemic responsibly. VIVIAN MYRON/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Trash cans on campus also sport Back2BU signage telling students to cover their coughs and sneezes. VIVIAN MYRON/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Students looking to form connections while remaining socially distanced can sit on the bumble bench in front of Insomnia Cookies, complete with courtesy hand sanitizer. LAURYN ALLEN/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
In order to ride the Boston University bus, students must wear facial coverings and physically distance when possible. ROBERT BRANNING/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
A monitor in an empty Aquatics Center touts one of Back2BU’s signature lines, “Don’t Go Viral, Get Tested.” ROBERT BRANNING/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
Traffic flow in many on-campus buildings has been adjusted for the safety of the building’s inhabitants. ROBERT BRANNING/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
A sign outside Agganis Arena reminds students to complete their required daily symptom survey before entering the building to be tested. ROBERT BRANNING/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF
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