
How my Roommate and I Survived Covid

What do you do when it’s 2022 and you get COVID-19 for the first time?

Haley Alvarez-Lauto | Graphic Artist

Wallow in your sorrows. Or, you could turn your situation around and have some fun with it. Let me clarify. There is nothing fun about this dangerous virus, but there are some things you can do to make quarantine go by quicker, especially when you and your roommate are dealing with it together. 

Order Rhetty to Go meals

You may have never heard of this option offered by the dining hall. With Rhetty to Go, you can order a meal ahead of time and pick it up from the dining hall. You can make your own salad or sandwich, or choose from any reheatable meal. I made a wrap with veggies and hummus, along with ordering a side caesar salad and fruit cup. It was fun to scroll through the options and craft my isolation meal. 

Have a movie night

Grab your computer, TV or iPad and your movie snack of choice (for me it’s popcorn with M&M’s), it’s time for a movie night. What better way to escape your quarantine reality than becoming enthralled in a movie? Luckily for my roommate and I, the first day of our quarantine marked the release of “My Policeman” — Harry Styles’s new movie on Amazon Prime. Of course, being the Harry Styles stan I am, I forced my roommate to watch it. 

Take Buzzfeed quizzes

There is nothing better to pass the time than discovering what “Friends” character you are or finding out what Disney princess you should invite to your Thanksgiving dinner. I thought I left the thrill of taking Buzzfeed quizzes back in middle school, but on the radio show I intern for — “Tea Time” on WTBU — we take Buzzfeed quizzes that match our theme almost every week. I remembered how fun they can be, especially when taking them with friends so you can all compare your answers. 

Take advantage of student deals on HBO Max, Peacock, and Hulu

I was overjoyed to learn that as a Boston University student, I could use HBO Max and Peacock for free, and only pay $1.99 a month for Hulu. During my COVID quarantine, I spent quite a bit of time catching up with “The Kardashians” on Hulu, so it is fair to say that the famous family aided my survival. My other comfort show was “Gossip Girl,” streaming on HBO Max. 

Catch up on schoolwork

This is exactly what you won’t want to do, but trust me, if you are not feeling too bad, your future self will thank you immensely. Isolation means there are hours and hours of nothingness, and you need activities to fill the time. Consider filling at least one hour up with studying or homework. It doesn’t have to be grueling, with hours and hours of merciless study. Give yourself breaks and rewards. However, if you can get some work done in this time you will feel accomplished, productive and refreshed when you arrive back to your classes.

Take it easy

As college students, especially at a busy city school, our lives can be quite hectic. Whether running all over to classes or enjoying time out with friends in the city, taking a break is rare. Although being sick is not enjoyable, nor would I classify it as simply “chilling out,” it is an opportunity to pause and take time away from the business of everyday life. My roommate and I enjoyed our time together, pleasures of life that can sometimes be lacking in our busy lives.

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