Campus, News

SG holds first press conference

Nehemiah Dureus of the Boston University Student Government takes questions at a press conference Sunday evening. LEXI MATTHEWS/ DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF

By Lexi Matthews and Audrey Martin

Boston University’s Student Government held its first press conference Sunday to give an update on the senate and executive board’s work this semester.

Nehemiah Dureus, SG communications director, who ran the conference, started by describing what student government does and talking about its three branches: the legislative, executive and judicial.

The press conferences, Dureus said, are meant to build better communication between BU students and their government. The conferences will happen once at the end of every month.

Dureus also discussed the upcoming Spring Concert, an event the E-board is currently planning.

“It’s going to be pretty big,” Dureus said, “it’s going to be pretty exciting, and it really goes back to the idea that the E-board wants to bring the community together and bring students together and enhance the BU community.”

More information on the concert will be revealed in the coming weeks and months, Dureus said, most likely during SG meetings.

Three prominent issues SG has tackled this year, Dureus said, include endorsing the Yes on 3 campaign, passing an amendment to the constitution that increases the role of senators within BU clubs and endorsing an initiative to get students to vote in the midterms.

SG signed on to endorse Yes on 3, which supports a ballot initiative to prohibit gender identity-based discrimination in public space, after BU administration declined to take part in it, citing difficult paperwork as a negating factor, Dureus said.

“It’s disappointing that BU doesn’t support it,” Dureus said, “but the Student Government does, and we’re looking out for the students all the time. We kind of wish that the administration would do more for transgender individuals and support them.”

At Monday’s SG meeting, Dureus said, students can look forward to hearing from the BU workers union and watching a presentation for a new proposal.

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