
Growth and stuff | Maia’s Inner Monologue

Dear readers,

Let me be real with you. When I first sat down to write this article, I had a completely different vision in mind.    

Lila Baltaxe | Senior Graphic Artist

I had initially intended to craft a guide on experiencing a classic Long Island, New York summer. However, as my thoughts poured onto the page, I realized that what truly resonates with me for this final edition of Maia’s Inner Monologue is the theme of growth. 

For those who knew me in high school and middle school, it’s evident that I’ve undergone significant changes since moving to Boston for college — and I truly can’t imagine myself anywhere else.   

I was once an extremely shy person, a far cry from the individual I am today. I know — hard to believe, right?  

Despite my outgoing and goofy personality around close friends and family, I often found myself conforming to societal norms around anyone else, dimming down what made me genuinely me — a classic case of teenage nonsense. 

Since stepping foot on campus in Boston, I’ve felt a profound shift. While I’m far from having it all figured out, I’ve certainly found more of myself than ever before. 

Let’s talk about style. 

Listen, I definitely didn’t undergo any dramatic transformations — instead, I took a step forward in embracing my own personal flair. 

Right before entering college, I took the plunge and cut my hair shorter than I ever had, and I recently added some bangs into the mix — which is the best decision I’ve ever made. It just feels like a better reflection of who I am.

And, this year, I finally got the nose ring I’ve always wanted. Despite initial fears that it wouldn’t “fit my aesthetic,” it has turned out to be another one of my best decisions. It’s a small change, but it makes me feel more authentically myself. I can’t even remember a time where I didn’t have a nose ring. Maia without a nose ring just feels wrong. 

Independence has also become a cornerstone of my growth since moving to Boston. 

I noticed that, in the past, I relied heavily on others to accompany me everywhere. Now, I find solace and comfort in solo adventures. 

Whether it’s spending time in cafés, lost in my own thoughts while I work, or blasting music at full volume during solitary grocery runs, I’ve come to cherish my alone time without feeling lonely. It’s a form of self-care that rejuvenates me. 

This isn’t to say I don’t enjoy spending time with others. I thrive on spending time with my friends here in Boston, but being thrown into a big city for the first time has pushed me towards greater independence. Here, I’ve been almost forced to figure things out on my own — which I’m grateful for. 

My friendships in college have evolved significantly, too. 

While I’ve always cherished my friends, the connections that I’ve forged in college have been transformative, to say the least. 

My friends here have taught me invaluable lessons and played a crucial role in my personal development. I hold these friendships dear, knowing they’ll last a lifetime — a thought that never fails to bring a smile to my face. 

And perhaps most importantly, I’ve come to accept myself wholeheartedly.

I’ve often been described as “a lot” by others, which I initially as a criticism. However, over time, I’ve come to see it as a unique aspect of my personality. 

Embracing my outgoing nature and unapologetic zest for life has been a journey, particularly since moving to Boston and especially in the past year. I’m actively working on it, and I can feel the progress.

Recently, my friend April shared that this quality is what she loves most about me, and I feel the same way about her. Shoutout to April — I love you. 

I’m going to be so honest with you — at the start of this year, I was on the fence about starting a new column here at The Daily Free Press. Juggling my other commitments at BU made me uncertain if I could dedicate the time. However, diving into the lifestyle section has been incredibly rewarding. It’s become a therapeutic outlet, allowing me to freely express my thoughts and practice self-care.

In essence, this journey through Maia’s Inner Monologue has been one of growth, self-discovery and acceptance. If anyone is even reading these — besides Maggie and my parents — thank you for tuning in this semester. 



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One Comment

  1. Jenny (it’s Maggie)

    I’m tearing up! I love you Maia and I am so proud of you…your writing is unique and I’m so happy you get to be authentically you. Love, your biggest fan!!!!