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Open Market’s Fenway Flea brings vintage, unique wares to an abandoned gas station

Under the string-light embellished awning of an abandoned gas station lies the Fenway Flea — a concept created by the brand Original Markets. The market, open on Sundays, opened to the public on Sept. 11 as one of many endeavors by the Boston-based company.

Megan Fehling, CEO and founder of Original Markets, has held these flea markets all across the Boston area since the brand’s conception this past April, but she said she felt especially excited to bring it to Fenway.

“It’s a very up and coming neighborhood,” Fehling said. “It has been for the past couple of years. A lot of people (live and work) there… I knew a lot of people would be able to make it a destination spot.”

The best part of opening the flea market at Fenway was the hard work from the team, Fehling said. “We really pushed through and had our opening day last week.”

The Fenway Flea features a variety of vintage and contemporary independent vendors, selling products including clothing, jewelry and homeware.

“We definitely try to keep it very diverse and have something for everybody,” Fehling said.

Flea market
Vintage jackets on a clothing line. Fenway Flea, a Sunday flea market by the brand Original Markets, opened to the public on Sept. 11. COURTESY OF ROSE MCAVOY VIA PIXABAY

Rachel Guard, owner and curator of Unknown Sunday Co., describes her shop as vintage and eclectic. She has been a part of the flea market world since 2019, and the Fenway Flea was her first event under Original Markets.

“Everyone’s been really nice,” Guard said.“It’s a lot of young students. I’m just really grateful that people are coming out to support such a great opportunity for small businesses like myself.”

“All these vendors put in so much time and effort and a lot of them do it while working other jobs,” Fehling said. “The things they make are really impressive.”

Dominique Dickson, head designer and CEO of Mahogany, a brand specializing in polymer clay and stainless steel wire jewelry, has been a partner of Original Markets since its start.

“[The new location] is still getting its traffic,” said Dickson. “I feel like it’s a good vibe. The market is great.”

Dickson has been involved with flea markets for six years and said she appreciates the efforts Original Markets has put into “making sure everyone is comfortable” and that the event is well-organized.

Both Guard and Dickson said that being able to meet other vendors has been the best part of their involvement with the Fenway Flea.

Aside from being a business owner, Fehling is a current full-time junior at the Berklee College of Music.

“But I think when you’re passionate about something, it doesn’t feel like work,” Fehling said about her schedule. “I like doing both. [It] gives me a cool perspective on both of my lives.”

In an effort to combine her musical roots at Berklee with the flea market experience, Fehling also books DJs to play the event. This week’s theme ushers in a “welcome to fall.”

“There is going to be a disco theme, and the music will cater to that,” Fehling said. “I do want to do something in the future with live music.”

The Fenway Flea will be open every Sunday from 12-6 P.M. until Oct. 30.

“[Flea markets] do operate best outside, and I think the prime season is during the warmer months,” Fehling said. “We definitely would love to do something during the winter. We’ll be releasing that information soon.”

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